No way ..!!!! Why him ...!!!!

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Starlit pov

I follow the sweet beautiful scent all the way down the hall way . It smells like strawberry , a fresh hit with a ocean breeze and chocolate . I can hear a certain voice that's sends me shives all over my body ... hang on wait a second I know that voice please don't be .... Danny ...!!!

I look up and I see light big chocolately brown eyes just staring into mine and his short black hair spiked up . I can hear my wolf saying "mate that him that's our mate ...!!!!"

She says over and over again in my head .

I look into his eyes and I can just feel the world slowly disappearing just leaving us in our own little world .

I look away and I start running towards the girls restroom. I heard the bell ring so I'm hoping that he doesn't follow me . I don't want him to hit like he did yesterday .

But no I get slammed into the locker by some one .. It's Danny I can feel fire works going off where he touches my body .

It makes my wolf howl with joy just because I'm being touched by our mate .

" Listen alright I don't want any thing to deal with you ...!!! your ugly , fat , dumb , stupid , worthless your a big idiot ..., Your not worth my time ..., why don't you just go kill your self no one wants you around ...!!! " Then he punches me in my face really hard .

I can already feel the right side of my face getting bruises and he punches the left side of my face . He then punches my lip causing blood to gush out .

He then cupped my face so I could look at him .

" How would want a slut ...!!! Just like you ..!? your just a piece of ass you don't even have any friends it's a shame ...!!! Not even your own parents wanted to be with you that's why they got killed on their own ...!!!

The moon goddess did a very big mistake on pairing me up with your sorry ass...! The only things that people would ever want you for is a punching bag ...!!! Plus your doing just a great awesome job in just laying down on your back ...!!! Those are the only two things you can do right ... Mmm.... just the perfect little worthless piece of junk ...!!

He punches me in my stomach over and over and over again . until I cough up blood and I'm on the floor .

" You know what all you'll ever be good for is laying on your back like a good sluttly hoe ....!!! It's to bad no one will ever you love you because know will ever care about you ... I mean look how fat you are .... why don't you just give up and go kill your self uh...?! Besides I already have a smoking hot girl friend who would love to be the Luna of our pack ....!!! "

He kicks me some more while I'm down . he bends down and says " I Danny Gomez reject you starlit flores .... from being my mate ." I felt pain a cross my chest and he walks away laughing from me .

Leaving me on the cold hard floor coughing up my own blood . I go to the restroom to go check out how bad my face is .

I walk into the restroom and I saw blood dripping down my face . I get a paper towel and wipe off the blood off my face . I then put pressure on my lip so the blood could stop .

I can see my face isn't as red any more but I do have big fat greenish purplish bruises on my face .

Since I'm a werewolf the bruises would only take a few days to heal .. But my broken heart may never heal . My wolf is hurt by her mate some one who is suppose to love us just beat the hell out of us for no raisin what so ever ...!! Now all I want to do is get the hell out of this school and the hell out of this pack with my family ....!!!

I was happy that today might of been different but no ...!!! it's the same as another day ...!!! But this time I now know that my mate is a ass hole who is a jack ass...!! Why does he have to be my mate ...!!!

Don't I desire better then a guy who would beat me up as some punching bag .!!???

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