reveal of the potato?

135 9 15

i'm back again and apologize for the delay of posting your request ETAERNITY ~

i'm going to reveal my uglyass face now i guess?¿


but seriously tho, you sure will regret seeing my face and i'm afraid i will blind you by my ugliness ; - ;


i give you the last warning; this is your last chance people, if you want to quit and not see my face!


okay, fine, i will post my selfie but i'm not the one who's responsible for the damage of your eyes ok? enjoy.




why did i even manage to upload this /smh to myself/

anyway, i will probably give you a recap on my experience of the wings tour in jakarta and insert some photos and clips of it for the next chapter; but i will be on a hiatus for 8 days due to final exams. please take care of yourself and i love you all so much! see you soon as always ♡

p.s: my graduation is near the corner and i'm so excited and terrified at the same time omfg /cries ;;

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