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。。Jimin Pov


I froze in spot when Namjoon suddenly asked me to visit " My sister " Tomorrow. ' What the fuck am I going to do?' I thought laying down in bed and thinking of ways that I could prevent this meeting. I can't tell Namjoon the truth, I just can't because I've been lying to him so much and for so long already. I make him worry about a person who doesn't even exist and I also just don't simply want to tell him those kinds of things of my past.

I never accepted that apartment what am I going to do?!! I close my eyes resting for a bit and waiting for an idea to hit me and I just end up falling asleep.


" Jimin! Wake up!" He shakes me repeatedly and I groan. I am still tired from the missed sleep. Namjoon sounds more excited and happier than usual and I think I know why. " Jimin come on! Today is a big day! We get to see your sister." He tells me with excitement and I just groan. I hate it when someone disturbs my sleep, especially for bullshit like this. I mean why is he so excited to see someone he just met like the day before yesterday?

" Jimin" He continues shaking me so I just sit up from bed still feeling tired. I start to feel the forgotten feeling of my injured back and face. " Breakfast is ready." He tells me and leaves the room. I look down at my plain white pillow and I get the sudden urge to lock the doors and lay in bed forever.

Last night I fell asleep and I couldn't think of anything to help me today to prevent Namjoon from finding out everything!

I groggily walk out of the room and enter the bathroom to clean up myself and after that I join Namjoon on the round table to eat some more toast with bacon and eggs and sweet coffee with milk. I eat fast but carefully so that I don't mess my uniform.

" Are you done?" Namjoon asks and I nod my head. " Okay then! Let's go." Namjoon picks up his bag from the floor and I follow after him. We exit the building and go down the elevator before exiting out of the building and I begin to feel nervous again. I just wish something would happen to make Namjoon not want to visit ' Sara ' anymore but that's unlikely isn't it?

Namjoon holds my hand suddenly and I look up at him only to see his jolly face expression and it pains me how he might be when he finds out one day that Sara isn't real.

We reach the school and as I enter the half empty classroom i instantly got greeted by Taehyung with a hug. I am super surprised that he came and hugs me when all this time I thought I had left a bad impression. During the hug I did not know what to do, Should i hug back?, should I stay still? I am very confused. Taehyung's grip on me became tighter and I feel weird and uncomfortable because I'm not used to this kind of treatment.

" Jimin~I missed you~" He coos and I start to blush.

"I-I Mis-" I was about to tell him that i also miss him as well but Namjoon pushed him off of me.

" Yah Namjoon! Stop being a mean person!"

" I'm not being mean! Can't you see that Jimin needs his personal space? He got hurt." Namjoon mumbles the last part which made him look so cute. He looks at my cheek with a concern expression and I just smile it off.

" Omo where?!!" Taehyung over reacts and brings me towards him to examine the bruises. " Aww Jimin~ How did you get hurt?" He asks me and Namjoon sighs before pushing Taehyung again. They argue and bicker at each other which kinda brightens my day and makes me smile, and then our Teacher enters the room making everyone quiet down and sit at their seats. I sit where i sat last time which was next to Taehyung and he turns around to give me a bright smile. Everything feels so refreshing and I hope that all of this sudden " Happiness " Isn't a dream.

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