Wings of an angel

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Dakota's P.O.V
I came back from that tiring human hell.School isn't as fun as I thought it was.....
Math  sucks!
'Never mind that,that Luciel girl is so pretty and she....she'
Dakota's face got burning red.
He couldn't say no more than that.
He met so many new people and they were very friendly.
While babbling about his new school, he felt something hard behind his back,just like........A N G E L wings?!
He ran to the mirror to find his wings back in their natural form.
He shouted.
He took the magic globe from his pocket and appeared his best friend Elijah.
'What's wrong?'
His best friend asked.
'What's wrong?!? Everything is wrong!
My wings are back!!!'

'What's wrong?!? Everything is wrong!My wings are back!!!'

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'Say what?'
His best friend said in disbelief.
'Their back!seee!'
He shouted in panic.
And pointed the globe towards his wings.
'Oh~That's okay,the wings will disappear by themselves~'
Elijah said with a calm tone.
Sometimes Dakota hated and even envied Elijah,always so calm and under pressure during the worst moments.
Dakota still felt curious and asked his bestie:'Why do they still appear??'
Elijah looked pleased towards the question that has been asked.
'Earth owns a secret force that blocks magic but dark magic can pass through the force but the magic will weaken,to be honest it's quite normal.'
Dakota turned off his globe put it neatly on the table and began doing his homework,even through it's hard to sit down with wings.
Luciel's P.O.V
My wings are back.
I felt so happy and felt like bursting through the ceiling but I couldn't my cover would have been blown and I will have no choice but to disappear within the universe.
That boy she saw today.....Dakota if I'm not wrong......he's cute.
She felt even more admiration when he tried to answer a math question but ended up answering with Spanish words,he must be terrible at mathematics,but that's okay for she was bad at Spanish.
She giggled at herself realising that she didn't even look like a demon.
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She landed on her cozy bed with her cozy lights on,oh how she loved earth.
She just felt so good,like
An angel~
But if course she never heard the screams of hell.

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