Our First Meeting

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Okay loyal readers. This is a quick A/N. If the words are underlined, that means it's being spoken in French. If it's not, it's Japanese and if there's a star before a word/sentence, it's in English.

Now, onto the actual book! Thanks again!! ^3^

Tamaki's POV

Today feels off. It's the same as any other, I'm tending to the needs of my princesses, Mommy dear is doing his usual work on his laptop and everyone appears to be having fun. It's an overall calm day...so why can't I shake this strange feeling..that something's going to drastically change all of a sudden?

I wonder...

"Tamaki-Senpai! Tamaki-Senpai!" My darling Haruhi called for me and and I looked over to see her approaching "What is it Haruhi?" I asked her "You um.. you got a postcard." She said handing me the postcard and I looked at it curiously.

"Who could be sending me a postcard?" I muttered looking at the picture of the American flag before turning it around to see the message.

Dear Tamaki-kun,

I'm coming home. See you soon.


My eyes grew wide and I read it again about five more times to be sure it was real. This really can't be...

"Tamaki-kun? Is something the matter?" One of my 'guests' asks in a concerned way.

"Who's the letter from?" another asks and I can feel a large smile spreading across my face as the entire music room went quiet. "My darling little sister~" I answered, happily dancing and twirling about.

"You never mentioned a little sister to us, boss" The twins said and I stopped to look at them. "That, my friends, would be because I myself hadn't known until quite recently. It just never seemed to come up in conversation".

I said before returning to my host-ly duties. Once the job ended and everyone began lazing about they interrogated me about my sister.

"So Tamaki. How did you not know about having a sister until recently?" Kyoya asked me while scribbling away in his notebook. "My father mentioned her to me a little while back. She's apparently a year younger than me and has been living with a distant relative since about the time she was born. I never really got to meet her. So, when my dad told me about her, I asked for her information and we started talking. She even knows about the Host Club and all of you" I explained "Now it seems, she'll be coming to Japan to live with me and she'll even attend our school!" I excitedly spoke and then realized that I should head home and get everything set up for her arrival. I texted her asking when she'd get here and she told me she'd be here the next day. I told everyone that I had to go and immediately rushed out, setting up her new room and such.

~~~ TIME SKIP: Tomorrow ~~~

I got up out of bed and remembered she'd be coming today. She didn't say when she'd be getting here or anything and she didn't respond when I asked so I got ready and went to school, eagerly awaiting the moment when I can finally meet my little sister. I always wanted a sibling that I could spoil and protect from the beasts of this world. The entire day, I couldn't help but wonder what she was like.

Hana's POV

I stepped into the lobby of the airport dragging my suitcases behind me. I didn't really have a lot of stuff and, honestly, liked it that way. I called a taxi to come and bring me to my new home and got in when it pulled up.

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