Dinnertime (Brynjolf X Reader)

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Brynjolf is a character from a game called Skyrim: Elder Scrolls V. The game can be played on console as well as PC.


Reader's PoV

It was just an average day in Riften. Clouds hung heavy with rain over the town, seeming to be ready to burst.

I walked down the path as per the usual, humming my favorite song. I clutched my satchel strap from where it rested on my shoulder.

I walked to the merchants' square, looking for Brynjolf. I looked around, not noticing him sneak up behind me.

"(Y/N)!" he shouted, purposely scaring me. I jumped, whirling around.

"What the hell, Bryn?" I snapped jokily. "Just for that, I'm not giving you your gift."

"Gift? What is it?" he asked childishly.

I handed him a small box that was tied shut with a red ribbon. "This."

He smiled and took the box, unwrapping the ribbon and pulling the top off. Inside the box were two silver rings with emeralds as the gemstone, as well as a note at the bottom.

The note read:

Dearest Brynjolf,

I know how you look at me behind my back. I know you talk about me with Dirge and Delvin and the others. It isn't hard to tell when someone's in love with you.

I bought these rings and a reservation for supper. Just you and me. Go with it.



I sat at a booth at the place I reserved for Brynjolf and I. Waiting for Brynjolf, I read through some of my notes on the crimson nirnroot.

The sound of someone sitting down at the table made me look up and smile.

"Hey, Bryn."

Brynjolf was wearing the same outfit he had worn when I first met him at the merchant's square.

"Hello, lass," He smiled and sat down across from me. The waiter came and took our orders.

About half an hour later, our food came. We ate while talking about how Dirge acts like he's all brave and strong, but over half the people in the Thieves Guild could beat him up. I made a few jokes, causing Brynjolf to laugh.

The dinner soon ended and I stood up, holding a coin purse. "I'll pay. Wait for me by the door," Brynjolf looked like he was about to protest, so I added. "I asked you to come, so I'm going to pay."

He finally nodded and went to stand by the door. I stood up, walking over to the counter. The man grinned when he saw my gold.

I plopped the gold onto the counter.

"Have a nice night," the man said.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he had to say that to seem polite. I made my way over to Brynjolf and we went outside.

"Thanks for coming," I said.

"You're saying that like the night's over," he chuckled. "It's my turn."

Brynjolf grabbed my arm and we ran to the back of a building. He climbed up and I came up after him. We sat on the roof.

"Look over there, lass," Brynjolf murmured, pointing to the prettiest sunset I had ever seen.

"It's beautiful," I breathed.

Brynjolf moved his hand under my chin and placed his lips against mine.

My heart raced and I smiled, feeling his soft lips against mine.

Eventually, he pulled away.

"Thanks for tonight."

I nodded and watched, speechlessly, as he climbed back down and snuck back into the Ratway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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