RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep.6}

Start from the beginning

Blake: (Y/N)! Are you okay? Who did this to you?!

The team looks around to see a sign of anyone on the corridor, but found none. Then something catches Blake's eye, which also caught the others. On the door, a small patch of blood is seen in it.

Blake: (In head) Who could've---

Then realization struck her like a lightning. That moment when they heard your voice before Yang suddenly slammed the door, which also ended the sound of your voice. Yang was the one to blame for suddenly slamming the door in front of your face. All head were turned towards Yang, who widens her eyes at first in shock, before she finally got what they meant.

Weiss & Ruby: Yang....... You should run.

Yang: (Sighs) Not again.......

---------2 minutes later---------

The sound of crash and everything filled the hallways as Weiss and Ruby desperately tries to find the catnip in their dorm.

Ruby: Ugh. Where could it be?

Weiss: Just keep looking!

Yang: (from the hallways) GUYS! Anytime now would be a good time! (Crash)


Nearly three days after Blake's rampage on the hallways, things have been pretty gone back to normal. Ruby is seen sitting at the top of her bunk, while reading a comic book and you were on Blake's bed reading own book of enjoyment. Then Yang's voiced rang outside the dorm.

Yang: Ruby! (Y/N)! It's time for class!

You: In a moment!

Ruby: Coming! Ah, crazy kids.

You: Says the one who is a kid herself.

Ruby: S-Shut up!

You chuckled to yourself before sitting up from Blake's bed, and placed the book you were reading on her nightstand.

You: Come one, Red. Or we're gonna be late.

And with that, Ruby sets her comic book down and jumps off from her bed, only for her cloak to get caught on something, making it look like she's hanging herself.

Ruby: Not like this, NOT LIKE THIS!

Her face turns bright shade of purple as she loses air from her lungs. Your eyes widened in shock at the sight.

You: Ruby! Hang on! I'll get you out of it.

But ruby only chokes in reply. You unhooked whatever that was holding her cloak, that nearly hanged herself to death. You turned as to where Ruby is, but you only felt a sudden weight in your arms. You were carrying ruby bridal style as she lean into your chest.

Ruby: My hero......

You: Uh....... O////////O (In head)Blake's gonna kill me if she sees this......

You heard the sound of a door being opened and saw Blake on the dorway.

Blake: What's taking you (Y/-----

You: (in head) Speak of the devil..... Oh crud!

---------Outside of the dorm building---------

You: BLAKE! WAI---!



RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now