RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 3}

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  Hey everyoooone!!! Nehpets here, and welcome back to another episode of RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert..... So.. YEAH! I'M LITERALLY BACK, GUYS!!!.... Now where was I?...


O_O!!! Geez! Okay, okay, okay..... So hope you guys enjoy... Now what were those magic words again?

Readers: LET .....

Hey those were my lines!!! What the heck!

"Jaune Calls Weiss Part 1"

You were making your towards the courtyard to have a peaceful reading. You then saw Jaune pacing back and forth in front of the courtyard statue with his scroll in his hand, and he seems to be awfully nervous about something. Without further ado, you decided to confront him.

You: Hey, Jaune! You okay?

Jaune was a bit surprised by the sudden voice, but he eased up when he to turned to find out it was only you.

Jaune: Oh, hey (Y/N).... I'm fine.... I'm great....

You weren't totally convinced by this, so you crossed your arms as you give him the ''Oh Really'' look. Jaune saw this, and he knew that keeping something secret from you is futile.

Jaune: Okay, fine. Maybe I'm a LITTLE bit fine.

You: So.....what seems to be trouble?

Jaune: I was thinking of maybe hanging out with Weiss today...

You: You mean a date?~

Jaune: No! no no no no... I-I mean sort of like that.. but... not like.. you know...

You: Okay, okay. I get the picture, Jaune. Then, why not go talk to her?

Jaune: Well.. that's actually the problem...

You: Seriously, Jaune.. How hard could it be? Just walk up to their dorm, knock and say, "Hey, Weiss! It's me, Jaune! Do you wanna hang out today?". See? Easy peazy, Lemon Squeazy!

Jaune: Easy for you to say. Since you already have Blake with you.

You: Okay you got me there. (Thinks for a moment, then your perks head up with a beam look on your face) Why not just call her instead or leave a voice mail?

Jaune rethinks about the idea, and found out it's not a bad idea at all.

Jaune: That's not actually a bad idea, (Y/N)! Thanks!

You: No problem. So, I'll leave you to it then..

And with that, you decided to lean up against the statue as you read one of Blake's books. Jaune dials Weiss's number. He waits for a couple of minutes before 2 3-beeps were heard, signaling to leave a message instead.

Jaune: Heeey! Uhh... Weiss, Schnee.... this is Jaune! Arc! Of the Arc...Family. L-Last name's Arc. Anyways, I was wondering what you're going to do today's Saturday Night, because I'm doing..uhh... nothing.

While reading, you decided to poke your head out of the book to see how he is doing. You then saw him how he was rolling a pebble using his shoe while he is having a call.

Jaune: Umm.... which means I could be doing something with you. Yeah!

You: Umm.. Jaune? I don't think it's wise to--

But your word came late as Jaune already slipped from the pebble. His grip on his phone loosened as it sailed through the air. His body went suspended in the air for a second before falling Top-Head first followed with a very loud thud before his scroll landed next to his head. You grimaced at the sight.

You: Ouch! That's gonna leave a bump.....

Jaune slowly lifts his face up from the floor as he raises a finger to add an effect to his words, before he plants his face back down again.

Jaune: Call me.

You picked up his scroll before you carried Jaune's subconscious body over to your shoulder.

You: I hope you learned a lesson there Jaune. Now, let's get you to the infirmary, again.....


Ruby decided to try out different types of Dusts today by using her weapon, Crescent Rose. With the help of Weiss, of course, and you and Blake decided to have a friendly match near them. Just as you two began to fight, you heard Ruby's voice, and the sound of firing and reloading her weapon on the background.

Ruby: Time to test some Dust magazines! Now which one is first...hmmm.... OOH!! Let's start with.... Light!

Weiss hands her that dust magazine, and Ruby fires it from her weapon as she continues to test the others. Your fight only lasted a couple of minutes, and at the end, Blake bested you in the fight, with you lying on the ground as the tip of Blake's weapon is just a couple of millimeters from your throat. Blake held her hand out to help you stand up, which you gladly accept. You dusted yourself off the ground as you complimented Blake.

You: Looks like you've improved immensely, Blake. I'm impressed.

Blake: (Blushes) I could not have done it without you, you know.

You: That's why I'm a genius.

Blake: Don't flatter yourself.

You and Blake heard Ruby yell something like "gravity". Little did you know that it was a type of Dust round that she fired , she was blown back from the recoil, and was heading towards your way. Blake saw this and tried to warn you.

Blake: (Y/N)! Look out!

You: Huh?

But her words were too late as Ruby's figure collided with yours. Ruby's recoil stopped as she hit you, but the force was passed unto you, sending you into a nearby tree which rendered you unconscious. Weiss rushed over to Ruby's aid as she helped her stand up. Ruby dusted herself off for a moment before seeing Blake over your unconscious figure. She started to run towards the two of you to help, but was stopped by Weiss with a look of panicked expression plastered on her face.

Ruby: Uh... Weiss, you okay?

Weiss: R-Ruby. W-We should r-run.

Ruby: Eh? But why--

Weiss: Remember the last time like this happened?

Ruby tilted her head and placed a finger over her lip for a moment as she recalls the certain event. And when she had a glimpse about it, her skin paled and her eyes widened.

Ruby: Uh oh.....


Ruby: You really don't wanna this, Blake!!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!

Ruby and Weiss were literally running for their lives, as they try to outrun a certain enraged cat-faunus, with Gambol shroud in her hands in its sheath and katana form.

Weiss: If you don't want to be turned into a cat food, I'd suggest you shut up and run! You dunce!

Weiss soon regretted in saying those words that left her lips, because this only made Blake madder and run faster.

Weiss: GAH!!! I take that back! I take that back! Kyaaaaaaah!!

You woke up from the sudden sound but not before you felt a sharp pain in your head. Then, you saw your beloved girlfriend chasing her two teammates around the courtyard with a murderous look on her face. You heavily sighed at this. You took out your scroll, dialed Yang's number, and waited for her to pick up.

Yang: Yellow?

You: Hey, Yang. Do you mind if you could you fetch me another bottle of catnip from Professor Peach's Classroom.....

Yang: You don't mean---

You: Yep. And do make it fast! I doubt that Weiss and Ruby are going to hold on much longer.

"Jaune Calls Weiss Part 2"

You were heading your way towards the infirmary to give Jaune a snack from the cafeteria.

You: Hey, Jaune! I got you a---

But your words were stopped in mid-short when you found out that the clinic was empty.

You: Now where the heck did that rascal went off to? Nurse? Can I ask you something?


Jaune was outside the courtyard again leave a voice message to Weiss.

Jaune: Hey Weiss umm..... I'm guessing you didn't get my call earlier. Maybe the tower's messing up or something. I mean, there's no way you would get my message and not call me back! Right? I mean that's.... that would be rude....

Back to you.....

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