
On the dinner table Luke was feeding ashton the warm soup since he was hungry and everything around them was still silence in the kitchen and dining room. Luke just stares at Ashton sipping on the warm liquid of the soup and he was pretty much enjoying it. He thought it was cute, maybe adorable.

"Do you like the soup babe?," questioning Ashton pretending he could hear him.

"It's your favorite soup, tomato soup, just the way you love it and it's very hot," his eyes were again filling it up with tears, it's really hard for Luke to handle this, but he's not going to give up on the love of his life. He lowers his head and cries while Ashton still not making any noise. His right hand lays flat on Luke's thigh "I want more" he shots a smile on his face as Luke looks at him back with a smile right back, mumbles 'anything for you' to himself as he continues to feed Ashton

A drip of liquid falls out of Ashton's mouth and giggles "sorry it slipped out-" Luke kisses him and smiles as he strokes his thumb on the corner of his lips to wipe them off. "It's okay babe, it's adorable" he places a kiss on his cheek.

Luke phones ring. He got up and leaves Ashton alone on the table as he rushes to the table by the living room as the caller ID says 'Michael' and answers


"Hey Luke how's Ashton?" Luke looks down on his feet and tries not to cry

"He's fine, just can't see me or hear me anymore.."

It was silence for a good while as Michael decided to break the silence now

"I'm sorry Luke, It was a accident and things happen for a reason. It'll get better" he wishes to believe those words but he couldn't just say 'true' or 'yeah' and the memories just come back to him..


"Luke what are you doing haha" Ashton was in the car with Luke who was tickling him and tackling him at the same time.

"I want to make you laugh you seem so sad, c'mon babe cheer up!" They both giggle as Ashton's papers for college he needed to sign up to enter

"I just really want to enter this college! I want to be a photographer when I graduate."

"You'll enter-" he looks over to Ashton watching him look down at the papers, scanning through it "just be confident" Ashton shots back at Luke with a warm smile as a horn honks at them

"LUKE! Watch out!" Luke hits a truck that weights a ton

He was too busy staring at Ashton's brown curly locks that he wasn't paying to the road and hits a big truck

Ashton's head hits the front part and then the head rest and back to the front as the window breaks and cuts his face by his eyes

Luke hits the steering wheel very hard he blacked out but the airbag saved him, on the other side, Ashton's airbag didn't came up which hit his head very hard

The car was a wreck.

A few seconds later Luke woke up noticing Ashton was very hurt "Ashton! Baby! Are you okay?!" He slowly shakes Ashton's shoulder but no response. He cries "no!!! Baby!! Please wake up!!"

Flashback ends

"Luke?" Michael speaks on the other line which made Luke snap back to reality. That image will always replay on his head. He still blames himself for this to happen, and he knows that he will never forgive himself

"Oh, sorry I was just-" he was cut off by Michael

"I know it's hard to forget but you have to move on, it's obviously hurting you"

"It's not easy Michael.. I destroyed him" Luke sobs through the phone which makes Michael feel hurt as well

"Just stay calm" he looks down and nods slowly

"Luke?" Ashton says, making Luke look at him "I have to go Mikey, Ashton is calling me."

"Alright, take care okay? If you need me I'm here." Michael says as his final words and they both said their byes and clicked as Luke lowers his hand down and stares at Ashton in 3 feet far distance

He walks over to Ashton and stares at him for while and hugs him tightly, Ashton felt him hug him and he smiles, hugs back and pats him and then rubs his back

"I love you Ashton" he whispers



I won't be updating until Thursday! Unless they say there's no school because it's raining shatter ice.

I hope they do lol.

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I'm changing the goals every two chapters (;

Silence // (Lashton)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن