Prologue Part Four - End of the Beginning

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Hello everyone! This is the final piece of the prologue (thus this chapter's name), and the beginning of the actual story will follow next chapter. I hope that you've all enjoyed the setting so far, and I am happy to continue writing this series. Just so you all know, I'm pretty happy with this chapter, I hope it makes you excited!

Without further ado, the usual:

For those reading on Honeyfeed/RoyalRoadL, you can visit my site which has updates on what I'm doing, setting information about races, people, magic, etc. presented in an interesting way:

As always, any feedback is welcome on my writing, I know it will be amateur at times.

With that, the story continues...

———==========———【Prologue Part Four – End of the Beginning】———==========———

After having such an overwhelming morning before, it's nice to get a day to myself. I neglected to put on that robe, but if it gives me access to the library then I won't hold back!

Today I may look like a young fantasy mage, but maybe I can finally start to learn something about why I'm here... I'll head straight to the library and look for books on transport magic.

Now that I think about it, I really am lucky that Nova showed me around, seeing as I know where the library is now.

I put on the mostly-plain, black robe that was in my wardrobe, and head out the door.

After following the path me and Nova walked yesterday, I find myself at the library of the school. To say it's huge would be an understatement.

The tower that my room is in is massive, probably containing dorm rooms for hundreds of students, as well as classrooms. The library also occupies one of these towers — by itself.


A sound of admiration leaks from my mouth.

I figured there would be a librarian somewhere here, but I don't see any special desk or anything nearby... How exactly do students find what they're looking for? There must be tens of thousands of books?

I'd ask someone but I'm a bit nervous about it if I'm being honest. Everyone around me look like students, and they're all pretty busy it seems... If Nova were here maybe she'd help me, but I also feel like I wouldn't get anything accomplished either.

Would the school even let Nova into the library? She'd probably cause a lot of trouble for the other students.

OH! I can just ask Elaine, I just have to call her name.


「Ahhheem, Elaine?」


Huh, nothing's happening though... Was it too quiet?



I said it louder but still nothing is happening... Was there some trick to it? I don't remember her saying anything special like that.

Well, I guess I'll just look around and see what I come across. There must be some order to how the books are presented, it might not be that difficult to figure out on my own.


It was a great time later in my future that I learned you couldn't use magic in the library. Of course, summoning Elaine used only magic from her side, but she couldn't detect my call inside the library's barrier.

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