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      Dead. Buried in rubble. Absolutely covered by the destruction and debris. 'Aprill what happened to you?' I thought as I slowly sauntered into what was once my home town. I promptly left April after all of my food ran out... sometimes you need food and water to survive and sadly I couldn't do without it. I didn't know why I came back but something always told me to. A little voice in the back of my head, a spark ignition along my spine on the mornings where I woke up cold to find I left my window open again. The sky was grey, and just as cumbersome as me. A strong wind brushed through me, and my locks of hair responded as they always do.
      "Monday street," I mumbled under my lips that had become so dry from the sheer dust in the air, "Cathy's Bakery," I think I would have cried had I not felt so completely lipid, almost as lifeless as the husk of the once prosperous town. Her name slid past my lips as if she was here with me now, "Amber's place." I trudged my way past the horrible corpse of my town back to my little haven, somehow untouched by the dust and death.
      It was almost unsettling how clean it looked from the side of the road... and even more so as I stepped inside. "Spotless," and it was. The air was clean smelling and everything was placed as it should be, like this whole disaster never happened. Suddenly I heard humming. A woman humming sweetly and oh so familiar. I made my way through the kitchen and to the back door. I peered out of the open window to see thriving peach trees and beautiful grass, a sight so healthy that it stung to look at. I spotted the source of the humming, the gentle voice sounded familiar but, I've never heard the voice so sweetly.
     A woman who was slightly shorter than me in a yellow checkered dress had her Auburn hair pulled back into a bun, her wavy locks of hair didn't seem to conform to this new format though, and beautiful strands fell at all places it could. She turned and I ducked so fast I swear I made the most awkward choking sound I had ever had the ears to hear of. Amber. Not just Amber, though. She was pregnant. And gardening.
     I slowly stepped out from my cover of the door frame... "Amb?" I stated cautiously. She became startled and turned around with her spade in hand as if it were a broken glass bottle. I saw the panic melt away from her large golden brown eyes, and watched as they filled with tears. I felt my arms involuntarily open wide, and she dropped everything, she ran and cried, and she squeezed me so tightly I was scared for whatever she was carrying in her stomach. She cried "No it isn't! It isn't you!" She kissed my cheeks and yanked me down to her level by the neck as she pet my hair and squeezed me close to her. We suddenly burst into a joyous laughter "yeah it's me! Is it you? Look at you! I should be asking you! You've... obviously changed!" I giggled while gesturing to her rather large stomach, as I crouched down to say hello.
      "Her names Jessica, I was gonna name her Quinn though." I looked up and laughed "you're amazing," and we smiled at each other, and she squinched up her nose. She told me about her wild nights in the big cities, once she found out she was pregnant and didn't know who the father was, she just wanted it all to be simple again, and thought of me. She came home, well to my house, "I just picked up where you left off.". I looked at the beautiful blossoms on the trees and I asked "so, how did you clean the place up?" She stared and said "I didn't, it was this way when I came, I hadn't had the courage to even set foot in your room."
      At that moment I knew where I was going to go next.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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