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Aubrey pov :

I'm happy me and Chris made up because I really missed him.

wakes up and turns over to see Chris sleeping and kiss him and gets up and goes in the bathroom , turns on the shower and washes up and gets out and puts on some leggings and a tank top and some Tom's

puts on a little Make up and lip gloss and flat iron my hair straight and goes back in the room and sits on the bed and mess with Chris lips

Chris wakes up and looks at me and smiles

Chris pov :

waking up and seeing my baby makes me happy

"Chris you gotta up" she said

"why , I dont  feel like doing nothing " I said looking at her

"well you know my dad is a drug lord and owns a lot of guns and if he sees you in  my bed naked he will kill you "she said looking at me laughing

"Ard I'm up" I said putting on my clothes

my phone starts ranging and I look at the caller ID and sees that it's bella and answer it

"hello"I said holding the phone widd my shoulder

"where you at Chris" she said rudely

"I'm on my way why" I said

"well get your ass here , some girl here  looking for you "she Said

"Ard I'll be their" I said putting on my shoes

hangs up the phone and pecks Aubrey on the lips

" bye "she said as I walked out her house

Asia pov :

Im at Chris house waiting for his Dumass to hurry up and get here

sits on his couch and gets on watches tv

Chris pov ;

when I pulled up at my house I got out and unlocked the door to find Asia sitting on my couch

slams the door and Asia jumps

"why you here" I said ignored that she's here

"we needed talk" she said

"About what" l said loudly

"I'm pregnant "she said loud

grabs her arm and takes her upstairs in my room closing the door

"you what"I said

"you heard me ..Im pregnant"she said

it was silent for a while

"you know what" I said reaching in my pocket pulling 300 dollars out my pocket handing it to her

"what am I suppose to do with that" she Said

"get abortion" I said looking at her

"hold up wait you want me to get abortion "she yelled

"stop yelling and yea "I said quietly

"well I'm not getting abortion so you just going have to let that go" she said

"yes you are "I said

"if Aubrey was pregnant you would let her keep it but sense I'm the one pregnant I can't keep it"she said getting in my face

" it's not about that,you was her bestfriend and it's bad enough I slept widd you and if I let you have my baby it's going to be hell" I said

"I hate you" she said walking out my room

"wateva I'll call you later"I yelled

how in the hell lmma going to tell Aubrey this shit

lays across my bed and falls asleep


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