The Lies we Tell & The secerts we keep

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Aubrey pov :

I'm 5"1 , curly hair , I'm mixed with dominican & Puerto Rican

* Monday morning *

Aubrey : gets out the bed and goes in the bathroom and takes a 20 min shower and gets out and puts on my light blue crop top with some ripped jeans and my blue and white jordans, grabs my phone and goes downstairs

* At my locker *

Aubrey pov :

gets my books out my locker and calls chris to see where he at .

* phone convo *

chris : hello

Aubrey : where you at ?

chris : home why ?

Aubrey : get your ass to school

Chris : shut up imma call yu back

Aubrey : Ard wateva don't forget to pick me up after school

chris : ard I won't

* Aubrey hangs up *

Chris pov :

I don't feel like going to school I called Asia over ...yes Aubrey bestfriend kinda like my side chick (gco )


* knock*

* chris opens the door *

Asia : hey ( pecks chris lips )

chris : wassup ma ?(hugs Asia and grabs her ass)

Asia : (Laughs) so watcha wanna do ?

chris : I can show you better than I can tell you (kisses Asia neck)

Asia : (bites lip) okay

so, after that they had sex !

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