Chapter IV

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I pick up my phone and read my messages.

Dylan: Dude have you asked her out yet???

Me: No.

Dylan: What are you waiting for??? If you don't ask her out I will. She's hot.

Me: Bro she's off limits. I will ask her eventually.

Dylan: When???

I might as well call him and tell him what's up.

"So... I asked her to be my Chemistry tutor five days a week at my house."

"And she believed that? Dude, everyone knows you're awesome at Chemistry. And didn't she used to be your friend... or something like that?"

"Maybe she thought I was slacking?"

"Yeah, sure talk to you later, man?"



"Okay, so... what part of Chemistry are you having trouble understanding?" Says Lindsay.

"Ummm, all of it?" I say.

"Can you be more specific?"

"Well... there's this girl I've loved all of my life and I'm not sure she likes me back. And if she rejects me, she'll break my heart."

"Lucas, get serious. We don't have that much time left."

"I am serious. And trust me, I'll be fine."

"If you didn't need help in Chemistry, then why did you ask me to be your tutor?"

"Because... I want advice on what to do with my situation."

"Uhhh, try complimenting her every day or something, make eye contact, buy her presents, and spend time with her. There we go. Am I done now?"

"No not yet. You know... you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen."

"Thanks, but whose your crush?"

"Well, she has blonde hair like yours, and eyes like yours. She is very optimistic and always happy. She care—"

"Okay," she interrupts, "I've heard enough."

Is she jealous? Ooh yes! My plan is working. Hopefully I can use all of her tips, and then at the end I will tell she is that girl I've been talking about. Nothing could go wrong.



          My phone starts ringing.

"Hey December, what's up?" I say.

"Where are you?" Says December.

"I'm just leaving Lucas's house."

"OMG, you were at his house! Did you happen to see Dylan?"

She has a slight crush on Lucas's best friend Dylan. She likes to joke that she will marry Dylan.

"Yes. And no, Dylan was not there, but Lucas started to talk about his crush."

"Ooh! He finally told you he has the hots for you!?!?"

"What? No! He was describing another girl."

"What did he say?"

"She had hair like me, eyes like me, she is very optimistic and always happy. And he was saying something about caring, but I cut him off."

"Aww. I didn't know you liked Lucas."

"I don't."

"Yeah, you do, you're denying it!"

"Only because you're wrong!"

"You should tell him how you feel."

I guess I do sort of like him. Wow. When did that happen?


"Wait. You actually said okay! You're going to do it? Yay!!!"

"Okay, bye."


The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. When we were younger we were always together getting into trouble. I remember that around that time he stopped feeling like a big brother and more like... well, a boy. When my mom died I pushed him away because I thought he wouldn't like the new me. But all in all, I've been feeling empty, not only did I lose a Mom, but I also lost my dad, brother, and closest friend. I'm going to do it. I'm going to tell him tomorrow.


Thank you for reading!

Song: Walking On Sunshine

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