Chapter II

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          I hurry to class as fast as I can. I don't want to talk to anyone today. Here's what happened when my mom died.


"Lindsay! Come on, you don't want to be late on your first day," says my mom, ever the voice of reason. It was the start of my first official day as a Sophomore.

"I'm coming!" I say.

I hop into the backseat of the car. My mom has all of the stuff she needs for her job on the seat. I don't want to make her move it, so this is why I sit in the back.

"Do you have everything?"


I look out the window as we drive along silently listening to the music. We are almost at school, when my life changes forever.

Suddenly I jerk forward. Someone rear ended us? What?

"Mom, what happen—" I don't get to finish my question.

My mom swerves off the road, running into a tree— hard.

I get out my phone.

"911, what's your emergency?" Says the Operator.

"We- we are about thre— three minutes fro— from InView Hi— High School," I manage to stutter out.

I continue to give her the details, then I hang up.

I crawl over to my mom.

"Mom, Mom! You have to stay awake. An ambulance will be here any moment." I say.

"Just one second of sleep," she mumbles.

"No. No. Mom, you have to stay awake." I say with tears running down my face.

"I love you," she mumbles.

I check her pulse. Thump. Thump. Thum—

"Mom... Mom, I... Love... You... Too..." I'm too tired from crying to say anything else. Black surrounds me.


I open my eyes and quickly shut them again. Ah! They're bright. I try to say "what happened," but my throat's too dry and it comes out as more of a croak. I look around. I'm in a hospital? I try to move my right arm to grab the water on the table. My right arm won't move! It's in a... cast? What happened?

Someone walks in, "How are you feeling?" Says the... Doctor?

I try to gesture toward the water on the table with my left hand. Luckily, he gets the memo and moves it closer to me. Using the straw, I take a big swallow.

"What happened?" I ask.

He hesitates for a split second, "You were in a car accident. You have a broken arm, a bruised neck, and some tiny cuts everywhere."

"Where's my mom?"

"Uh... unfortunately Ms. Locke, she didn't make it," he says looking sympathetic.

But I don't want his sympathy I want my mom back. Oh no! Do my dad and brother know? Where are they?

"Before she was rear ended, she saw something run into the street. She took off her seatbelt to get a closer look. Right when she was out of her seat, she was rear ended. She swerved to not hit the skunk and crashed into the tree. She hit her head her head on the window, broke the glass, and unfortunately suffered from too much brain damage. We have also concluded that she might have survived if she had her seatbelt on," says the Doctor.

"Where is my family?"

"We were not able to find them, but you just have to stay overnight just in case; then you can leave in the morning. You were very luck young lady, if you had been sitting in the front, you would have died instantly. But because you were sitting in the back, you have some minor injuries. We have confirmed that your right arm was pressed against the door when you crashed into the tree; and it broke."

I didn't want to hear about being lucky. I should have died, but instead my mom is dead and I will never be able to see her again and I didn't have enough time to say 'I love you' back to her.

*End of Flashback*

         A tear rolls down my cheek as I remember the painful memory.


Thank you for reading! BTW for the rest of the story, I will be alternating between Lucas and Lindsay's point of view.

Song: Walking On Sunshine

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