A Night To Remember

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Before I knew it the concert was over and my friends were carrying me to the car. We stayed behind a little to collect ourselves so most of the people had left before we made our way to the exit. As we are walking someone was blocking our path, as I look up my heart stops, I cant breathe and, I feel like I'm going to faint. It's him. Standing tall like a giraffe, he's the most gorgeous man I have ever seen, his curly locks of chest hair that catch the moonlight as he walks, and his hair, oh where do I start, the way it flows through the wind so effortlessly. He could be in a shampoo commercial. Finically his little patch of hair under his lip in the shape of an upside down triangle that makes me go crazy! I want him.
"Why hello there I'm Billy." he said with his smooth country accent that makes you want to sit on a porch and sip some iced tea with you in his arms.
"I'm Hannah and I loved your show it was amazing." I tried to hold in my excitement
We talked for about 5 mins and he asked if I wanted to go back to his trailer
I agreed and send my friends back to the car. He offered to give me a ride home later in the night. We walked back to his trailer and stepped inside.
"Wow it's so nice in here I can't believe you have your own." I exclaimed
"Yea I like my privacy"
I wonder why he invited a lowly girl like me in here when he could have had anyone else.
We turned on some documentary about the holocaust but no one watched it that night.
Billy slowly leaned over to Kiss me.
His tender smooth lips were all I needed.
He is so good at moisturizing those beauties.
As I kiss him I run my hands over his rock hard body and run my fingers through his chest hair and after a while I got to see his back hair. Wow this is better than I could have ever expected!
He took my shirt off and began to kiss my stomach and after an hour and a half of glorious salvia exchange he asked me if he could see me tomorrow. Of course I said yes. We were to meet at the Olive Garden tomorrow night at 5.
The night came to a close but left me wanting more, he knew all my weaknesses and used them. As I drift off to sleep all I can think about is him.

Don't Achy breaky my heartUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum