"Get what you need?" I asked coming from behind the walls like I hadn't been eavesdropping.

"I guess," he sighed. "Do you know when the next bus will get here?"

"Not for another hour, the last bus left 15 minutes ago. Why? Do you need a ride somewhere?" I asked before mentally slapping myself forgoing for someone who was clearly not in the mood for flirting.

Luckily enough he answered, "I'd love that! Thanks a lot." Extending a hand with a smile that could blind you he gave me his name. Louis.

Not even ten minutes later, Zayn came in through the door while me and Louis were talking about each other. He's really funny. And really cute. We like lots of the same stuff and even though we had just met, we had a certain bond. He gave me his number and I'm pretty sure I caught him staring at me a few times. Can't blame him though. I'd been doing the same.

I introduced him to Zayn. My best friend. My roommate that I've known since we were 10. We planned to stay together after our school days just to make sure nothing significant happened to on without the other knowing. I never thought having a friend like him would end up making me a happier person. He's like my brother.

On the way to Louis flat we mainly just goofed off in the car. We had we 'Burning Love' on full blast screamed out the windows played a game of truth or dare that wouldn't end up in a car crash and just grew closer as friends.

The night gradually got better by the second as I got closer to Louis when a thought popped into my mind:

"Louis?" I laughed.

"Yup?" he answered popping the p.

"How would you like to do an all-nighter with me and Zayn?"

"All-nighter? As in..." he trailed off.

"As in" Zayn started, "playing video games, watching movies, eating random crap, you know, live!"

"I'd love to, really mates, but-" "But nothing!" I interrupted. "You're gonna have a great night and that's that!

And that was exactly what happened

We drank, probably a bit too much (according to photos), and did what you wouldn't normally do with people you met no more than 12 hours ago, and had fun doing it! Even though I can't recall everything that happened last night

In the morning, I saw Louis still passed out under a blanket on the living room floor. Shirtless.

In fact all of us were shirtless. I walked over to the kitchen and found a pair of pants on the chair. Oblivious to the situation I saw Zayn attempting to make pancakes and stay awake at the same time. He looked pretty hung over.

"You know I brought back an entire box full of muffins last night right?" you'd think he just wrote a 10 million word essay when he only had to write a small sentence.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he pushed the batter into the sink and turned off the stove to go hibernate in his own bed.

"Obviously not." I muttered. He never was really happy in the mornings; let alone when he was hung over. The door slamming was enough to wake up my newfound friend, Louis. When he stood up yawning with the blanket hunched over his shoulders I realized whore pants were by the table. "Erm... mate?"

"Yeah, Haz?" I blushed furiously at the new nickname and continued,

"I think you're missing something." I gestured to the lower half of his body, failing to suppress a laugh.

When he caught a glimpse of his pants sitting on the chair next to me, he shook off the blanket and skipped over to get them and slip them on. I couldn't help but take one last look at him in the one piece of clothing he had on. He has a nice ass. He stood up to look me in the eyes and smiled ear to ear. There's no way I couldn't laugh at that face. Before long he began to laugh as well. As the laughter died down he brought up a topic that had passed right by me.

Keep My Distance {Larry/Ziall}Where stories live. Discover now