The Club

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^^^Zeya's outfit for the evening. But with more boobs.

In her closet she searched through her piles of clothes. She finally found what she was looking for. It was a skin tight two piece dress. The dress was black and had a tight straight black skirt and a wrapped top. Her tail stuck out over the skirt. She pranced back across the hall to wear her master was. He was now dressed in a suit. He turned.

"You look amazing," he said, his eyes devouring her. She blushed and ducked her head.

"Thank you, you look good too," she said. He smiled.

"You need shoes kitten," he told her. She looked down.

"I don't have shoes Master," she said.

"You do. They're in the back of your closet," he told her.

She scurried back across the hall and into her closet. She found the shoes in the back just like her owner had said. Wow did she feel stupid. She picked a pair of black pumps. She felt like she had grown a whole foot. Unfortunately it was more like six inches.

She strutted back into her masters room. He whistled at her. She spun in a circle under his longing gaze.

"You look sexy my kitten," he smirked. She giggled. "Ready to go?"

"Yes sir," she said happily.

He lead her back to the garage. She started walking to the Lamborghini but he stopped her. He spun her in the complete opposite direction. On the other side was a red car. It was sleek, low to the ground car. The car was sculpted as if it had been made by the hands of God.

"Tonight we take the Ferrari," he hit a button on the keys he was holding and the doors opened straight up.

"Holy fuck. That's awesome," she squealed. He laughed.

They took off out of the garage. The driveway gates flew by. Everything flew by. The night was one blur of blackness and the blur of passing head lights. They pulled up in front of a club. Her master got out and she followed suit. He threw the keys to the valet. Her master lead her past the line of people and into the door. They wove in and out of the bodies inside until the arrived at a booth in the back.

The booth was a U shaped and faced outwards towards the dance floor. There was a small table in the middle but the booth was mostly seats and leg room. Her master sat in the center of the booth and gestured for her to sit next to him. She sat next to him her legs on the floor her back straight.

"Not like that," she looked up at him confused. "Sit side saddle." She moved her legs up onto the booth seat and leaned her body towards him. He smiled and stroke her ears.

A few minutes later a man approached the table. He was tall. Not as tall as master but certainly tall all the same. Like master he had on a suit. He had black hair and and mischievous brown green eyes. He grinned at them.

"Nicky I see you got yourself a pet," the man said grinning. Her master smiled standing up to hug the man.

"Jordan its good to see you," he said. "This is Zeya." He gestured towards her. She politely nodded her head.

"So how good is she?" Jordan asked. She felt her face grow red.

"She's not that type of pet Jordan," her master told him.

"Really!? How can you live with something so sexy and not," he said. Her master rolled his eyes.

"Some of us have self control Jay," her master said.

"Hey I have self control. But I know a sexy lady when I see one too," he said smiling in her direction. Jordan sat down next to her master winking at her. He leaned across her master.

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