This chapter makes no sense

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Wickham: yo Darcy

Darcy: wth are you doing here

Wickham: can I plz hav som money😌

Darcy: learn how to spell first

Wickham: wait really

Darcy: nOPE

Wickham: but then I'll be sad:(

Darcy: IDC

Wickham: but the readers wouldn't want me to be sad rIGhT😉

Darcy: I'm pretty sure they don't like you

Wickham: :/

Jane: hey I'm just looking for Bingley

Darcy: uh idk where he is

Jane: is there any point to this chapter anyways?

Darcy: not really, allonsy_locked_took is just sitting in the middle of a mall waiting for her family while she writes this cuz she's bored.

Jane: ???

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