Chapter 3

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The next day  he woke up in the morning to go and deliver  baskets of fish in the fish market, this time with a thought of working hard the whole day long  and earn more than what he use to earn before , to save and provide necessities for his family . On his way to the market he saw an abandoned boat tied to the shore which was broken with a torn net kept inside.

He knew that the abandoned boat belonged to his friend so after his shift was over he went to his friend and asked him if he could take his abandoned boat which was of no use to him.He then took the net to his house and tied the boat to a secured place. The very next day Swami repaired the net within few hours and then started repairing the boat which took him four days to repair it. After getting the boat and net repaired he decided to catch a bait with it, earlier he had seen fishermen catching fish so he knew a bite about the basic technique of catching a fish .

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