Chapter 8

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When I got out I stayed with Ethan and we had the time of our lives. I didn't have to worry about Josh our lives were great. And then we found out I was pregnant. We were so happy to find out and then I had the miscarriage. I cried for days and Ethan got worried.

"This isn't why you're crying excessively."

"My mom died."


"I was little. I hurt my leg. I walked in and there was blood everywhere. They tell me she stabbed herself about 75 times and then hung herself when she didn't die." I sobbed. "I found her! I walked into it and I've had to live with knowing that it's my fault this whole time. And before I met you I thought about doing the same. Josh pushed me that far. And now we don't get to have a little girl. We don't get that. And that's my fault too."

"None of this is your fault. You are the most amazingly beautiful, and funny, and amazing and I don't know how to say this stuff you are absolutely the most amazing thing ever and I love you. This is NOT your fault and neither is your mom."

"No that's not true I cried running into the other room.

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