Chapter Seven: Lilly

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What would you guys think of Ellie and Dexter breaking up? It's just an idea I've had going on in my head for the past few days. Tell me what you think!

"You guys shouldn't stay here." I informed Keegan, Tori, Chloe, and Simon. "There's some pretty dangerous people, who are targeting specifically supernaturals. I know a safe house around here that you guys can go to. I'd join you, but I have stuff I need to take care of first." They gave me a weird look. What?

"We're staying here." Simon said in a snotty voice.

"It's in California, it's just not in this town. It's about a couple towns over. If you want to stay, that's fine, but I think going to this safe house is a better option." They thought it over, then Chloe nodded.

"If you say it's safer, then I'm going to go with it." She told me, then left to get ready to leave.

"Well, I'll do what's best for my daughter." Tori took River upstairs and started getting ready too, Keegan following. Carli came downstairs, going out the door after Chloe. She heard, probably. Only Simon seemed to want to stay. He wasn't going to leave. After a little while, Ellie and Dexter came out, asking what was going on. I told them, and they agreed that leaving was for the best. After another half an hour, we were off, me taking them to the safe house. Only Simon stayed behind.

When we got there, Adrian was already waiting outside for us. Adrian was my best friend, with dark brown hair and yellow eyes.

"These the new supes?" He asked.

"Yep. I'll stay here for a bit, help everyone get to know each other better. Come on, guys." I waved the others inside, and they followed reluctantly. Once everyone was all settled, Adrian started.

"Well, I'm Adrian, and I'm a Exustio half demon. I'm 17."

"Hello, I'm Galena, and I'm a shaman. I'm 20." Galena had long, ebony black hair with piercing blue eyes. She was a dangerous woman, with tattoos all over her arms. She told me they reminded her of her younger brother who died.

"I'm Leander, and I'm a were-lion. I'm 19." Lea was supposed to be a boy, which was why she had the name she did. But she was born a girl, and her parents refused to change her name. They tried to force her to become a boy, but she ran away when they were going to force testosterone in her body. Lea had short, chin length blonde hair and amber brown eyes.

"Hello, I'm Jacey, I'm 18, and I'm a xana." Jacey had beautiful sapphire blue eyes with blonde hair that was shoulder length. She was a queen b*tch.

"I'm Zale, a water half demon. I'm 19." Zale was super shy, with ocean blue eyes and dark brown hair. Zale was Adrian's older brother. After that, my other group of friends introduced themselves, then they all kind of scattered. I decided to talk to Adrian.

"What's up with you, Adrian?" I asked, grabbing a package of cookies. Adrian was like a younger brother to me, and Zale was like an older brother to me. They were my best friends, seeing as we'd been best friends since we were little. Their parents used to take them the visit me and Griffin in the Edison Group lab.

"Hello Zale and Adrian!" I shouted. "Come play with us!" Zale was playing with a little ball of water in his hand. Adrian was playing with fire.

"Hi Griffin. Hi Lilly. How are you?" Zale asked politely. He was always superly duperly shy, he never shouted.

"We're good. How are both of you?" Griffin asked as he ran around.

"We good Giffin!" Adrian cheered excitedly. He was three, while Zale was six. Me and Griffin were five. We ran around playing tag, hide and seek, playing pirates and cowboys. It was fun.

We were always hanging out together. Then mine and Griffin's parents came to rescue us, and we lost touch for a while. Then we got back in touch with them a year before I met Chloe and the gang, and we've been in touch ever since. The rest of them sort of just came into the picture. Lea, while on the run from her crazy parents, bumped into Adrian, who realized what she was after she almost changed into a lioness in front of him. So they took her in.

Then Lea was walking around one day, and bumped into Galena. At the time, Galena was 16, about the time I met Chloe and them. Galena was just getting over her brother's death, and volunteered to help as a doctor, due to her healing powers. She had already known what she was. She still works at a nearby hospital, but only when they call her in.

Jacey's story was the most interesting, however. Jacey was spoiled rotten by her aunt. Her parents died when she was a year old, she doesn't even remember them. Anyways, when her aunt found out what she was, with her 'freaky' supernatural powers, she left her on the streets to die. Having been spoiled her whole life, she never had to fend for herself at all, like the rest of us have had to do at one point in our life. So we found her, and she was on the brink of death.

Jacey has a pride problem. She's all p*ssy towards us because she says she didn't need to be rescued. Whatever Jacey, we all know you were suffering from hypothermia.

"Wow, this place is pretty nice." Ellie complimented. Dexter looked around, taking in everything.

"It's just like my house was, with a tv room, large backyard, and some other cool features. They even have an indoor pool, with a larger gym than I had. You know, so Dexter can work on his physique." I winked at Dexter, who glared at me, but his bright red face ruined the effect. I knew how to annoy, yet not annoy, people at the exact same time. Like, they would be annoyed, but they wouldn't be at the same time. Weird.

"C'mon guys, go explore. They don't bite, except Lea. She bites every Wednesday." Lea laughed. It was a joke we made after she threatened to bite me one day. That day just so happened to be a Wednesday. Chloe grabbed Carli's arm, and made Carli go upstairs with her. Scaredy ghost.

"Well, I gotta go, peeps. I gotta keep up with my bae, my bae's bro, and all the rest of those losers. Except Elena, she's nice." Bae being James, of course. He finally got the courage to ask me out a while back. Glad to know I'm not dating a coward. Drench that in heavy sarcasm. We'd known each other for about five years, and it took him four and a half years to ask me out. Wimp.

"Bye Lilly. It was nice seeing you again. You're going to visit soon, right?" Zale asked in his quiet voice. I nodded, going over to hug him.

"Of course! I can't not visit my brothers." I went over and hugged Adrian too. "Now, you treat my friends nicely, and maybe, just maybe, I'll bring James over for a sleepover so you can see if he fits your standards. But you must be good to the guests." They'd been wanting to meet James since forever, ever since I told them that I liked him. This is what it means to have over protective brothers. Maybe I could get Derek over here, get him and Chloe to hook up. I know that's she's his mate, just like I'm James' mate, and he's mine.

I drove off, back to where the others would be waiting in the hotel room. Clay, Elena, Karl, Derek, and James. All of them. We were hunting down Liam, who was in the vicinity, and was raping and murdering girls. It was starting to look suspicious to the humans, so we had to take care of Liam, and fast. How my dad was ever friends with him, I'll never know.

"Hey babe." James greeted me when I got to the hotel room. The rest of them didn't even look up, besides Derek. Instead, they all left. Uh oh.

"I thought we said we weren't going to get involved with them." Derek growled.

"No, you two said you weren't going to get involved with them. I never, ever agreed to that. Not to mention, I heard that Liam has an infatuation with Chloe, so I figured it would be best to get them out of here while we take him down." James sniffed me.

"Adrian's house?" He asked, and I nodded in reply. James turned to Derek. "If they're with her friends, you should know that they're safe. Adrian and her have been friends since they were both born." Derek still glared at me, then plopped down on his bed. Someone's not a happy camper. 

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