What a beautiful little girl she was. Though, Robert had to admit that it is hard to admire your daughter when another wolf is so close to her. Then, Robert suddenly noticed that the wolf was the other alpha’s son. A wolf near his human daughter was bad enough, but for it to be the other alpha’s son as well was even worse, Robert couldn’t stand to see this stupid pup so close! 

Then that imbecilic wolf decided that he wanted to come closer to his daughter, the other alpha’s son went closer to his daughter and began to nuzzle her neck. Suddenly Robert felt a bit of a twitch, the wolf should not be allowed to touch his daughter like that, that was too close for comfort, definitely not the way that a wolf should treat a human. Especially the alpha’s daughter. 

The whole idea of any wolf touching his daughter was absolutely absurd. Especially before her trial. The worst part was, that the outcome of her trial was already known to all. Robert loathed wolves as much as one could at a time like this. She was going to be sentenced to death. 

When Robert turned his attention back to the wolves and his daughter, suddenly the wolf that was trying to nuzzle her pounced because she wasn’t letting him do what he wanted, and why should she have let him touch her like that anyway? She was obviously not going to let this wolf touch her. 

That was no way to treat a young lady, even though she was three. That’s my pup, Thought Robert as his daughter fought back at the wolf and gave him a big smack in the face. Suddenly someone pulled his daughter away gruffly and Robert followed, he was not going to let this halfwit of a wolf kill his daughter. 

“Wait!” Robert called in his harsh voice of an Alpha. 

It was his commanding voice, no one would look back and not listen to him when he used it. 

“Allow me to propose a compromise” he said. 

He knew the wolves loved to hear about scandals and such and as his case was pretty huge, he did have a mate in the pack and had left her for Janine, no one had know about her, until now, that is. 

The audience turned towards him, yes, just as he had expected. Maybe there was hope for his daughter, he knew that after he said what he would say, he would have no future. 

“Please, have mercy and allow my daughter life, you can take my life, just please leave her alone, I beg you” he said and got to his knees, he knew that this was what he was meant to do. 

For the first time, he could see that the wolves were feeling some form of emotion, whether it was for him or for his daughter didn’t matter. He didn’t need their sympathy, he needed their mercy. 

He needed them to find it in their hearts to save a little girl. That would be impossible though, he figured that they would be finding that killing their alpha was much better than killing a little girl, and that was when Robert realised, that they would kill him.

They decided to allow him his plea in the end, knowing that it would benefit the one who killed him greatly. The wolf who killed Robert was the one who would one day take over Robert’s position as the grand alpha. The man was also the father of the young wolf who had touched his daughter. 

As Robert saw his life flashing through his eyes he knew what he had to announce before he died, he had to tell his daughter the name he had decided was perfect for her, his daughter’s name was Accalia, that was the perfect name for her, if only she would hear it through his own screams, it was the name for a powerful wolf female that she would one day be. With or without the wolf, his daughter would still be Accalia. 

“Accalia, always believe in what you do” he said for only her to hear before the fearsome new wolf alpha tore out Robert’s neck with only his bare paws and mouth, and he realised that the new alpha wolf a took great pleasure in this. 

It disgusted him greatly. Robert wished his daughter Accalia the best of luck for the rest of her life, even though no one would hear him. 

The area around where the live Robert had once lay was gruesome, blood spewed everywhere and Robert was no more, his body turned over to it’s weak human form and looked as if he was a simple, dead human. 

The wolves began to howl around him and after that, there were arguments everywhere, ranging from, 

“They should have just killed the human,” to 

“Why couldn’t they have just banished him.” In other words, the whole pack was hopeless without their old alpha. 

But, they had brought this on themselves, if his daughter had just been sent back, none of this would have happened. Robert had always been the best alpha of the pack. 

He should never have been killed, now the pack, at the horrific rule of the new alpha wolf was in utter chaos. Everyone eventually came out of their houses to come and see their dead alpha, many to pay their respects. 

Even the young Accalia noticed what had happened and ran to her dead father’s side, and she noticed that her father was anything but okay. Accalia began to worry and thought about what was going on. She was so confused at that moment. She didn’t know what to do. 

“Daddy?” she asked but there was no reply, only then did the tears begin roll out of her eyes and the arguing from all around her came to her ears which only made it worse for the three year old. 

If it was possible to see the most sad thing in the universe in one moment, the look on the young Accalia’s face portrayed it exactly. The young Accalia sat there, only now noticing that they were all a whole two packs of wolves, but for some reason she was not scared as she saw the wolves, and she did not falter as the woman who was to be her grandmother took her away from the sight of her father’s gruesome death that was initially meant for her. 

The guilt remained in Accalia since then. That it was she who should have died, the wolves would not allow her to forget it. The images of the blood moon that same night reminded her of her father. It was the only way that Accalia remembered the night.

The blood moon. Her father’s blood was spilt on the blood moon. Blood moon. Blood moon, those words described everything perfectly and they explained themselves at the same time.  


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