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"Five seconds of summer? Out of all bands, it had to be his?" I yelled at Destiny as we stood in my apartment.

She sat on my bed, watching as I continuously ranted. This was something she was used to at this point: sitting on my bed, mindlessly, as I continued to rant about Michael.

"They're getting big, I guess Mr. Harrison thought it'd be good press for us." She shrugged. "I wouldn't worry, Greta. That'll cause you to stress about him more."

"Yeah, I know. But the thought of him returning, and being a part of my life again, is horrifying," I told her, truthfully, as I continued to pace around the hardwood floor.

"Maybe it'll be a good thing, maybe this could be a chance for you to let him go?" She told me. I stopped walking, glancing over at her. She gave me a small smile, tucking a strand of her grey, purple hair behind her ear.

"I guess," I looked over at her before tossing myself on the bed, dramatically sighing out.

"They're coming into the office tomorrow, ya know," she told me. "We have to be in the office by eight in the morning."

"Even better," I shoved my face in a pillow. She rubbed small circled on my back as I continued to ramble on about how horrible his return is going to be.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll be with you during this whole tour. It won't be too bad. I'll focus on the photography, you can work on the writing." She said.

That's how it usually worked though, Destiny was good at editing the photos and videos we took, she majored in video production in college. While I focused on writing.

"Yeah, that's relieving," I told her truthfully.

I continued to sit there, while thoughts of Michael flooded my head. His beautiful green, blue eyes. The way he would let his head fall back when he laughed too hard. Or the time I went with him to get his eyebrow pierced. He held my hand, and I calmed him down when he got it done.

Back to the time his parents were fighting too much and he showed up at my parents house in the middle of the night. That was an often occasion though. We were both used to the habit of him coming over and staying nights at a time.


I was woken up by a tapping sound on the window. Confused, and frightened, I went to see what it was.

Michaels red hair appeared at the window.

"Mikey? Everything okay?" He looked over at me. Tears stained his pail cheeks.

"Mike," I said, a little saddened to see him this way.

He climbed in my window, wrapping me in his arms when he finally came in. Even though my figure stood about 5'8, he was still quite a bit taller than me as he towered over my body.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at him. Hurt washed over his face as his eyes saddened, tearing away at my heart.

"They're doing it again," he told me. "Mum was throwing things, dad was yelling. I just really needed you," he pulled me back towards him.

"I'm here, Mikey. Everything's okay," I reassured my best friend.

"Can I stay here tonight? Please. I really need you," he begged.

"Yeah, of course. My parents wouldn't mind," I told him.

He nodded before climbing into my bed, a usual routine for us. Nothing sexual or anything, just me, Mike, and my bed. It was comfortable, calming even. Not only for Mike during these times, but for me as well. I didn't even have to be upset or angry, being with him just gave me comfort.

Flashback over

"You wanna go somewhere for a bit? We could go grab something to eat if you want?" Destiny suggested, interrupting my day dreaming.

As much of a pain as she was, she was still my best friend.

"Yeah, let's go. I could use the fresh air," I agreed.

I grabbed my black, leather jacket off of the hook behind my bed room door, pulling it on.

Destiny, as usual, pulled on a cardigan. That was all she ever seemed to wear. She was more of a hipster, while, as I've been told, come off as "edgy." At least, that's what Destiny tells me, anyway.

"Could we get a coffee? I could really go for some coffee," Destiny asked as we left the apartment and walked down the streets of New York.

"Yeah, sure," I laughed at the girls strange addiction.

"Stop laughing, I've only had one cup," she whined.

"So strange," I told her, truthfully. She only shook her head at me as we continued to walk.

The cold, windy air of New York felt like small spikes, stabbing into my skin. I pulled my jacket tighter around my body, hoping to get rid of the feeling.

To no surprise, the wind seemed to travel through the thick leather that made my jacket, causing small goose bumps to form on the surface of my skin.

We found the nearest Starbucks in this big city, walking inside. The warm air felt good on my semi frozen skin. Almost as comforting as Michael's arms felt around me. Those many nights we spent together, wrapped up in each other's arms. It was an amazing feeling, something I thought I'd never feel again.

"I'll go order for us," Destiny told me. I smiled, as if thanking her without saying it. She simply nodded begore going back to the cashier.

I sat down at a corner booth, waiting for Destiny to get our order placed. Corner booths was where I always sat. Michael and I always sat in them, and since them, I haven't been able to sit anywhere else.

"Hey, watch it," I heard Destiny say as she carried our coffees. I looked up to see a guy with bright blonde hair, standing next to three other guys.

"My bad," he apologized. I could recognize that voice from anywhere.

For some reason, I stood up, my booth gaped open from how shocked I was. I started walking over there, unsure as to whether this was smart or not, but at the same time, I didn't even care.

Michael turned around, along with Destiny. Both in sync, they said, "Greta?" But both in two different tones.

Destiny looked at Michael, shocked. He glanced at her, confused, before turning his head towards me. The other three boys, I'm guessing his band members, all looked at us too.

Oh. My. God.




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