chapter twentynine

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The rest of the day passes and I get my results in each class. They aren't particularly disappointing but they aren't spectacular. This is the first time I get a numb feeling when I get my results though. I'm trying not to let it get to me as the day goes on.

When I get to lunch, Gigi and Zayn are already there. I smirk at them, pushing my grades in the back of all my other thoughts. "Well, well, well, what do we have there?"

They both look awkwardly up at me and smile, shifting a little at a time, distancing themselves from each other. "Now, now." I chuckle, taking my seat, opposite them. "I encourage all young lovers."

Gigi rolls her eyes as Zayn chuckles softly. "Don't even get me started with you." This earns her a 'yeah' from Zayn, chuckling. She looks around before whisper-yelling at me across the table. "What the heck are you doing with this Sarah chick when you and Taylor are, clearly, into each other!"

"Oh for fuck—" I pinch the bridge of my nose, roll my eyes. "Are you guys still going on about this?"

"Yes." Zayn nods which Gigi echoes soon after.

"I saw and heard you guys the morning after the party." Gigi finally says as I start digging into my food. I freeze for a couple of seconds, staring at the two of them. They return the same stare back at me. "If that's not what being into each other is, I don't know what is."

Zayn furrows his eyebrows together and then glances at Gigi. "What happened after?" He asks. Of course, he wouldn't know because he'd left in the middle of the night with Niall and Liam after they'd sobered up.

Gigi hesitates before talking because she looks over at me and then back at Zayn. But before she can get a word out, Niall and Liam come along. She flashes me a panicked look before any of the the guys notice as they exchange greetings amongst themselves. I shrug.

"What were you guys talking about?" Liam asks, unwrapping his burger, not even glancing up at the rest of us.

"Just some stuff that happened in the morning after the party." I answer.

Niall laughs loud and smacks Zayn's arm. "After we left?"

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah, you were knocked out and Liam and I left." Niall's chuckling as he speaks, unwrapping his own burger. "These two were too busy doing what god knows what upstairs."

"WHAT." I shout which gets me a few head turns to our table as well as Niall and Liam to look up, dropping their burgers. "You two did what?!" I point my index finger at the two of them.

Zayn shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively. "Now, now. I thought you were encouraging young lovers." He laughs softly again before getting elbowed by Gigi.

"We." She gestures to herself and Zayn. "We were fooling around and we're not hiding it. But you and Taylor are always hiding stuff from us!"

"Maybe next truth or dare." I give her a forced smile, annoying her which earns me another eye roll from Gigi.

"Taylor says I should try hanging out with Sarah more." I tell her, finally taking a triumphant bite of my food because I've proved Gigi wrong. Everyone else too.

Gigi rolls her eyes as she chews her food. There's a wave of silence that hits the table as we all eat. Zayn's eyes are hopping from me to the other guys as he looks at us expectantly to talk. We've all got our mouths full. I'm shaking my head; no. Our peace is abruptly interrupted as a fist slams onto the table.

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