chapter one

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I've been living in one neighbourhood my entire life. I know this entire town inside and out. Things never changed too much here and I really like it this way. Nobody really likes change but I suppose they have changed but it has been so gradual I never took much notice. I have managed to keep some really constant wonderful people in my life.

Today is the first day of my senior year. I'm beyond excited for all the adventures that going to college entails. I realise I've been brushing my hair for 10 minutes as I come out my thoughts.

"TAYLOR! YOUR FRIENDS ARE OUTSIDE!" My mom yells which is the only time I ever hear from her. Being a single parent, my mom preoccupies herself with work and stays at the office almost always. I don't blame her. My mom and I don't have a bad relationship but it's not a 'good and healthy' relationship either.

"Yeah, alright" I shout back downstairs from my room. I quickly get my backpack and stuff some files in there and jet downstairs.

"Learn something today" My mom says as she sips her coffee at the kitchen counter as I reach for the front door. This is a long-running gag between my mom and I.

I turn to look at her and smirk as I notice her fashioning a similar one. "Yeah yeah" I playfully roll my eyes. "Love you bye" I say softly and run out the door.

"What in the damn hell took you so long!?" Selena exclaimed as she rode shot-gun in Gigi's car. Selena always rides shot-gun and if she's not, it's because she's driving the damn car.

As I got into the car, I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh. "First day jitters?" I make myself comfortable in my seat and realise another person missing. "Now where in the damn hell is Karlie?" I ask imitating Selena's voice earlier.

"She's, like, already at school." Gigi speaks in a groggy voice. I realise that Gigi has her sunglasses on as she starts the car again.

"Okay, whoa, what happened to you?" I lean forward, plopping my head between Selena and Gigi.

"Zack and I were up all night arguing."

"Sure..and then some." Laughing and winking, Selena looks over at the two of us.

I can tell it was a bit more serious that because Gigi didn't crack a smile. "G, what's up?" Clearing my throat, I ask again.

"Boys are stupid." She replies and stays silent for most of the car ride to school.

Selena and I try to make up for the silence asking each other about the classes today and whether we were eating at the cafeteria or on the bleachers of the football field.

When we reach school, it really starts to set in that this is going to my last first day. But I'm trying not to let such thoughts make me sad about my senior year.

Gigi and I make our ways to our locker after Selena parts with us. Somehow, Gigi had managed to pull some strings in freshman year and get the locker next to mine. Of course, knowing Gigi she probably charmed the poor bastard and tricked him into switching.

"Now would you tell me."

She fumbles with her lock before looking at me. I notice she still had her shades on and begin to get sick in my stomach.

"No.." I trail off and stop before almost reaching for shades.

"Yeah." Gigi lets out a sharp sigh and opens her locker. Slowly, she takes off the shades and starts re-powdering her bruised area right under her eye. Still, she only looks into the mirror hung on her locker and not me.

I feel so furious as I see my best friend covering up her bruise. Who let boys do this to girls? Who allowed anyone to treat somebody treat this way? "Jesus fucking christ." I cover my face and lean my back against the lockers.

"Now, Tay that's not the sort of language we welcome at school." I heard a voice say coming closer. Of course, I already know whose voice that is. There's a small smile on his face as he stops in front of me.

"Good morning to you too, Styles." I plaster a forced smile.

Gigi quickly closed her locker and got her books out. "Hey Harry." She gave him quick nod.

I move to let Harry to his locker which is also next to mine. Yeah, Gigi had begged him to also switch lockers but he wouldn't budge and Gigi definitely could not try to charm Harry. All of us along with Karlie grew up together and because of the shit we'd seen, we regard each other differently — no sense of romance ever. There is a sense of closeness even when we are distant with each other.

"Is that ugly bruise a gift from Zack?" Harry says as he opens his locker. He's not even looking at the two of us. I turn to Gigi who opens her mouth to protest but says nothing.

"Yeah." I mutter. "Tell your douchebag of a friend. I have a few choice of words for people like him." My index finger pokes hard at Harry's chest, making sure I hurt him.

He doesn't react but his eyes go over to Gigi standing behind me. "You shouldn't take this, G." I realise his face softens. Finally, he faces me and grabs my finger. "Now, I for sure know better uses for this."

I roll my eyes and take my hands back from his. "Yeah, tell Zack if he lays a hand on ANY of my friends, he has another thing coming."

Harry looks away and gives small nod. "Wait," He says. Gigi and I turn back around. "Do I count?" He cracks into a smile which turns into a grin.

Gigi giggles as I turn back around and roll my eyes.

(ATLANTIS) - haylor auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang