chapter forty

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note: guys this part is really shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i'll be finishing up atlantis quite soon!! (about ten chapters left)


This is how everyone else finds out about Taylor and I. Selena leaves her phone behind with Niall to go to the washroom; after sending numerous texts to Taylor, grilling her about us. The incessant ringing of Selena's notification (it'd been Taylor replying to Selena's double texts) bugs Niall and he casually checks her messages for her (apparently, that's what they do.) That's how Niall finds out.

Niall texts me and asks me if it's true and without even having to think; I know what he means. Taylor's with me right then and before I even open my mouth; She'd known what I wanted to say. Taylor does that a lot. We decide to give the green light; exposing ourselves. Somewhere around the three-week mark, we'd grown tired of hiding and wanted to get over with all the hazing.

Somehow, there's a group chat with all of our friends in there - with Taylor and I as the prime targets. It's called "Haylor Hazing" - This is Gigi's doing. Sure enough, there's a lot of teasing but it's only because we'd tried to keep it a secret instead of coming right out and saying it.


The first month that we're together flies through, it's only when Selena asks me that I realise it has been that long, or short, in my opinion. She freaks out and finds it super strange that Taylor and I haven't noticed, or celebrated.

Between all the studying that we've been studying and making out, it's difficult to pinpoint the exact day when you'd both realised your feelings and even more difficult to make special plans when you spend almost every day together.

I guess a part of me understands what she means. We're a new couple; monthiversaries are things that new couples care about. It'd just slipped my mind. Now, I'm worried that Taylor hasn't forgotten and she's expecting something from me.

"If I know Taylor, she's just as hopeless as you." Selena adds, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure she doesn't care." Niall reassures, giving me a pat on the back.

Before any of us can add anything, the rest of the gang comes around to the table. The table's full now. Taylor sits beside me and I try to search for any hint of anger or disappointment but she only smacks my shoulder; and tells me to stop looking at her like that.


Since then, the voice in the back of mind reminds me every once in a while; do something special. I don't have to but I'd really want to surprise Taylor. Christmas has gone; all we've gone is thrown more parties and studied.

Our second monthiversary is coming close already now. With all the studying and college prepping, I know Taylor's barely thought of it. Taylor's birthday is also coming around the corner which makes the entire thing even more of a cluster fuck. It's good for me though. I could probably plan something and she'd never expect it for our monthiversary.

"You know what I want for my birthday?" Taylor says out loud, lying next to me. It's become routine for us to lie in bed after spending the morning studying.

I try to act subtle; not too alert. "What?" Looking over at her, my hands go to her hair, twirling my finger around a lock of her hair.

Taylor's dreamily talking about her birthday ideas; a picnic on a nice hill somewhere with a great view of the sunset, or some nicely baked cupcakes by me; she teases. Still lost in her own trance, she changes her mind and tells me that she'd love to go strawberry picking and have a picnic there. But then, she shrugs it off. When she comes back to me, there's a sheepish smile on her face. I could get lost in her forever.

(ATLANTIS) - haylor auUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum