Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

*Cough *Cough
"Ava are you ok?" Sam runs over to Ava and helps her up, she dusts herself off then gives Felix an evil stare and rolls her eyes as she walks off. Everyone stares at Felix in silence then he says,

"Guess were going this way you guys coming?" Felix walks off and the others follow behind.

After a long, awkward silence Felix started listening to music but he could still overhear Sam, Jake and Andy talking about him so he turns around and they end up in a big argument. Whilst they were arguing Ava continued walking she turned a corner but when she did she could see the clouds, they were turning a darker shade of grey by the second until they started to swirl into a tornnado. Ava turned around and ran back towards the boys, they looked at her then they noticed the storm behind her and started to run away. The 4 boys looked behind them and they notice Ava being taken by the storm but then they got sucked up into the storm aswell.

The boys end up somewhere in the middle of the bush, Felix is the first to wake up,

"Guys, wake up."

"where are we?" Andy does a 360° turn of their surroundings but gains no information on where they are,

"Hey are we missing someone, where is Ava." Jake asks, They look around but there is no sign of her,

"where could she have gone?" asks Andy

"Anywhere it's a bush" Says Felix but Sam starts to wander off,

"Hey where are you going?" Jake yells but gets no answer until a minute later sam turns around and says back,

"Going to find her"

Jake, Andy and Felix look at each other then Jake yells,

"Hey wait up"

Meanwhile whilst the boys are searching for Ava,

Ava opens her eyes, she notices the storm is over so she sits up, there are no sign of the boys so she stands up but still nothing,

"I can't believe they would just abandon me like that and leave me in the middle of the forest with nothing."

Ava sits down but she sat on something really hard, she scraps away the dirt to find what seems like a stone plaque with symbols engraved on it.

"wow, that is weird what is it?" She thinks to herself

After what feels like an hour of searching,

All 4 boys lye in the bushes they swear they've searched the whole forest but deep down they know they have only searched about 1/100th of the forest,

"This is usless" says Sam, "it' is going to take forever to search the whole forest and what if she has already been found. Besides she could be where we started who knows!"

Jake agrees,"Calm down Sam, I think we are just wasting our time so we should focus on trying to find our way out of the forest and then we'll get some help."

They all agree so they stand up and begin their mission to find their way out......

So I hope you liked that chapter,

In the next chapter Will they find their way out? Will they find Ava? Will she survive on her own?
Comment what you think!

Chapter 3 Coming soon

Nowhere Boys (FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora