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As we arrive to the chem lab I realize that I forgot to retrieve my phone at the library. For some reason Mrs. Grundy the librarian likes to confiscate student phones for the stupidest and smallest reasons. I have a feeling she has a grudge over gadgets.

"Shoot, I forgot my phone I gotta run"

"Well hurry up, dont wanna be late for third period" Cassey says

I run the empty halls and suddenly a door slams into my face.

"What the fuck" I say holding my nose. Fortunately nothing feels bruised or bleeding."

"Sage? Shoot im so sorry" justin says "Mrs. Smith is starting to give me looks again. Im so sorry let me make it up to you"

"It's okay it's not your fault" I manage a smile."

"I owe you one. Sorry again. Gotta run to the principals office."

Words Left UnsaidOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant