|~Chapter Six: Love Is A Painful Poison~|

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Branch's POV:

Before I left, I could hear the soft sobs of Riley crying. She shrank into herself and plummeted to the ground, her knees hugged against her chest. I saw her wipe away her tears, and I suddenly had a flashback of when I was bullied of my color in childhood. My heart felt a pang of sympathy for the poor Troll. Riley was so sad. But what could I do to change her emotion? Make her feel even worse with my bad mouth? Then again, could I just leave her there? I couldn't do it; I had to help her.
I crept over to her silently, as if I was approaching a wild creature. I sat down with her, placing my hand softly on her shoulder. Riley didn't jerk nor did she move at all, she continued to cry. I haven't seen any Troll this sad since I lost my Grandmother to the Bergen. She was twitching as she sniffed, breathed, and then kept sobbing.
"I won't go to the dinner," I said quietly. Her droopy, swollen eyes that were clouded with pain gazed up at me with surprise. "I know you can't cancel it, so I won't go." Riley couldn't say anything, all she did was breathe and stare at me with disbelief and astonishment. I didn't care what she was thinking, nor did I think she cared about what I was thinking. We just sat there.
"B-But. . .it's an o-order from Princess P-Popp-y-y." she replied with a stutter in her voice. I giggled in a bit of sarcasm as I thought it was uneasy to tell her that Princess Poppy didn't matter too much to me. I might as well be nicer to Trolls if I'm going to leave the Troll Village soon.
"Poppy, shmoppy," I joked. "I can see her at he coronation, can't I?" Riley suddenly nodded and awkwardly looked down at her knees. I sighed. Even though I barely knew her, I felt like she was a family member to me. "Can I tell you something? Something I usually wouldn't tell people?" She nodded. I fully got comfortable on the ground, gazing in front of to the the bright sun. "I'm going to leave Troll Village when Poppy becomes queen."
"What?!" She gasped. "Why? Wouldn't you wanna see her progress as a leader?" That was the hardest thing anyone has ever asked me. I don't know why I'm being so nice and caring and lovable right now, but I decided that I was going to leave because my only reason for me staying here was. . .for Poppy to love me back. She's already with Creek, so now, I have no purpose.

Poppy's POV:

      I glanced at Twig as she walked away. I sat on the mushroom with thoughts racing through my head like a stampede. I was really in love with Creek, but it still didn't add up to why Branch was drifting away from me. It was awful feeling this way! I tried to cheer myself up with thinking of all our memories and everything we did together as young Trolls, but that only made it way worse. I needed to talk with my father, King Peppy, and see what he thinks. He's the wisest of all the Trolls and I always looked up to him for guidance.
      I hopped off the mushroom quickly with a smile on my face, but I was stopped by Creek. His face was covered in an expression of love and caring. He held my hand in his gentle left hand and kneeled down onto one foot. I gasped and cupped my hand over his. I whispered his name as he began to speak.
      "Poppy, my love, you have been such an amazing GirlTroll to me and no other boy could ask for a better sweetheart than you," Creek began with a soft and warm grin and soon placed his hand on the hand I cupped over his other hand. "That's why I want you to be my wife. So, will you make me the happiest Troll in the world and marry me?" he asked. I couldn't believe what was happening. I wanted to say 'yes' immediately, but something held me back. I was thinking of Branch when I hesitated. What was this feeling?
      "I-I, um, c-can I answer that after I talk with my father?" I asked nervously. Creek looked a bit surprised, but he calmed down in a few seconds and nodded. I sprinted away from him and headed for my father's home. I got up to it very fast and I knocked on his door. I had to do it two more times for him to hear  me, but he opened the door slowly and greeted me with a hug. Father's messy hair reminded me of my childhood when his hair was nicely combed and straight.
      "Dad, Creek just asked me to marry him." I said as I sat down on a chair as Father sat the the chair across from me.
      "Oh, yes, he told me about it yesterday." he replied, sipping his tea carefully. I didn't know how he did it, but Father always remained calm.
      "However, I feel like I'm drifting away from Branch, and I didn't say 'yes' to Creek's proposal because of Branch. What's happening?" Father giggled and set his tea on the little table. He scooted his chair closer to mine, this usually meant he had something important to tell me.
      "It seems likes you also have eyes for Branch, too, my dear." he said. At first, I thought he was joking, but Father actually meant it this time. Was it true? I couldn't even tell myself if it was.
      "But who do I chose? Who do I go with? Should I break up with Creek and be with Branch or marry Creek?" I complained. I sounded like a 5-year-old, wailing to her father.
      He placed his hand under my chin. "Poppy," Father began talking slowly. "Love is a painful poison, that can only be cured by the path of your heart."

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