I've Seen The Streets You're Walking Down

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Everything he does is dramatic. Everything must have a cryptic message to him and he feels in color.

Even the clothes he wears. Today it's a yellow hoodie, a black beanie, and black skinny jeans.

The yellow hoodie is a feeling. When the treehouse went up in smoke while he was inside, a few flames were yellow. Very few. And that's how he felt. Like he was one of the few. There's not many others like him out there.

The jeans; black because no matter what he does the feeling never quite goes away. Dead or alive, the feeling lingers. However, he felt proud to have come up with this new way to show his emotions. The black pants would make a come back regularly.

And the black beanie covers part of his head. Not all of his head was covered like it would be in a ski mask. He used to wear that so no one would no it's him. But he was ready, so he doesn't wear that anymore. The beanie covers the back of his head, though, so people behind him won't know it's him. Literally "behind him"? No, he's too dramatic for that. Metaphorically behind him. The people in his past. He gets emotional thinking about the past.

"Tyler... New hoodie? Josh noticed when he first saw his friend.

Tyler looked at his feet. "Yeah. I got it because it resembles part of me. My whole outfit does, actually.

Josh looked confused.

Jenna was there to take control, pointing to indicate each item of clothing she was talking about. "The few, the proud, the emotional." She took a bite of the Popsicle she's holding.

Amazed, Josh raises his eyebrows, "can you read minds now too??"

"I told you," she took another bite, " I know Tyler better than he knows himself.

Tyler blushed.

Something glimmered in Josh's eyes right then... Jealously?

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