Chapter 2

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Waking up every morning has got to be one of my most tedious tasks a day and I am not one to be pessimistic. Leaving my bed feels as difficult and as painful as ripping off a bandaid.

I don't personally hate school, but it's right up there on the list of things I'm starting to develop a deep dislike for.

My mornings start in a similar fashion everyday. Mom shouting, Dad staring off into the distance tuning her out and Shawn annoying me awake. Or my mom waking me in the worst ways possible.

I value the times of peace I get in the shower or when I'm asleep or when I'm alone. Other than that I feel like ripping my hair out on the daily.

I'm not The Flash, so I personally, have never seen the necessity for speed unless for adrenaline, so I enjoy taking my time in EVERYTHING. Mom has not helped much on this matter, for mommy dearest is slower than me. The apple doesn't fall far off now does it?
My dad just goes with it.

Mom drives me to school every morning-she insists-although I do love every minute of it.

I always talk to mom. Whenever it's just the two of us we could talk about anything and everything, including mom's male themed adventures in the past. (It's not half as interesting as it sounds.)

It's only 7 minutes to school but I wish it were longer. I usually don't see my parents much so any time I get is golden.
7 minutes of bonding I suppose.

I chose a long time ago, back in eighth grade to most essentially be one thing in highschool:
politely quiet.

I wouldn't really talk unless I needed to and refuse to be rude to anyone who didn't deserve it. Even hesitate to be bitchy to the ones who deserved a dose of it.

It may not have been the best image to create for myself, but I've never been one to concern myself with something as useless as "an image in highschool". I probably wasn't going to know any of these people in five years anyway.

But as time went along, I realised pretty late that my desire to help (Also derived from my mother, although isn't most of me?) would be the death of me.

Peter, personally, despises how nice I am because being the "older brother" he is, he's afraid people will use me-which they already have-and hurt me-which always happens. He's quite overprotective for a goofball but he means well.

Lavender is psychic, so any bad things happening to you she probably knew two weeks before. She gets upset when you ask her for advice and then not acknowledge it because you're wasting her time.

She gets mad at me a lot for two main reasons:
I insist on rather going through that experience myself and fucking up,
I never listen.

Nina and Karen are understanding towards how I always wanna try even if it seems aimlessly hopeless-a certain naivety I seem to have(I admit mother cannot be blamed for this one).

Opal rambles just like me so I feel right at home with her. I guess in a weird sort of way because I'm not half of what she is and I cannot even dare to begin to describe it-this mystical being she is.

If not for the fact of looking out for fellows, I'd say every friend is there for something because somehow I see bits of myself in each of them, staring right back at me, exposing all my bullshit. My school day is quite incomplete without any one of them, meaning quite the shitshow for my day.

Besides, can you imagine how much fun it would be to spend everyday with funnier versions of yourself?
It's a ball.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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