Chapter 1

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Hello. My name is Kristen Bairne.

I have what I would like to call a relatively happy life.

My parents Anna and Christopher Bairne are absolutely amazing people and so much fun to be with everyday. My little brother Shawn is a weirdo but I love him to bits. I honestly don't know how I would survive without my family. I don't think I could.

My best friends are the single most warped thing in my life that everytime I see them I can honestly say they turn my world on it's head.

We've got Karen, who I honestly think is the prettiest of all of us and I don't know why she hangs out with us nerds.
Nina is out of her mind and will for sure always cheer you up. Unless you need to cheer her up first of course.
Lavender could reason her way out of a death sentence because that girl is always right.
Opal is like a kaleidoscope, there's just so much to her than meets the eye and you can always talk to her with no shame cause she has an open mind.
Peter has got our entire school confused cause he hangs out with 5 girls on a daily basis but we honestly love him to bits. He's not gay which makes things even more confusing! I thought he must be to be with us.

I'm not too feminine myself actually. I mean I did cry at the thought of no more Hunger Games but I hated how Batman Vs Superman ended and am waiting in anticipation for Deadpool 2. My mom got so riled up once when I wore a beautiful dress with sneakers. I then proceeded to skirts with sneakers then finally just decided to always wear jeans or shorts with my iconic sneakers.

She doesn't quite understand my quest for a flannel, let alone does she know what a flannel is.

I consume most of my time living inside books, this other realm. If not reading, it would be music, or writing, or....something. Even doing nothing would be doing something.

I always talk to myself. I have these ridiculous conversations with people I'll never meet and I laugh at myself and smile at myself and even cry alone sometimes. I enjoy being alone. It gives me newfound peace. I'm on my way to 17 and positive and head fast on kicking eleventh grade's ass and before you ask, my last name is pronounced bear-in. Diffucult last name for no particular reason at all I assure you.

I can genuinely say I'm happy.
What a time to be alive.

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