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In two months, Dick didn't stop missing them. He couldn't wait until Christmas when he could be with Bruce and Alfred and batgirl again. And he could be Robin again! He sighed that breakfast at Halloween. Last year he went trick or treating for Halloween with Wally, Roy and Barry. This year, he has to go to school. Magical school, mind you. But still.
"Hey, there's only a couple of months left until Christmas."
"I just haven't been away from Bruce for so long before. It's weird." Roy nodded.
"I remember my first year. Compared to me, you're just dandy."
"I doubt that. Wally, if you're trying to scare me your not doing it right." Wally groaned behind Dick before sitting next to him.
"One of these days, I will get you." Dick rolled his eyes before sighing again. That's when a bat flew down and gave Dick his letter. The child grinned before petting the bat. The people who saw the bat rounded their eyes except Wally and Roy.
"Hi Wing. Here you go." He gave it a piece of bacon before carefully untangling the letter from its leg.
"It's the first one!" Wally and Roy grinned.
"Read it out to us?" He nodded.
Alfred and I miss you two. It hasn't been this quiet for a while and it is quite unnerving." He giggled at that. "Don't think too much about your professor, Dumbledore is wise. And teachers are just naturally wicked. Hopefully the whole ward of Bruce Wayne is going to blow over soon enough. Allen is vibrating next to me, telling me to tell you to make sure Wally doesn't find the kitchen." The three of them smirked. They already found the kitchen. "Although Knowing you, you already found it. Have you found where he tunnels lead yet?" At that, the boys turned red, remembering their adventures. "There is one particular exit to hogsmeade. Oh, and congratulations on making Slytherin.
"One of those tunnels lead to hogsmeade?" Roy shrugged, he's already been there.
"We have to find that tunnel or batgirl is going to laugh at me the moment I'm back home." He groaned at the idea.
"Is that a bat?" The three turned to see Hermione.
"It's not just any bat, his name is Wing. Wait a sec, I'll write back." He transfigured a tissue into paper and a chicken leg into a pen before furiously scribbling something down.
"Having a bat is against the school rules. You are only allowed an owl, a toad or a cat."
"Good thing it's not my pet. It's just out messenger. My pet's at home." He muttered.
"Oh? What species is your pet then, a hippogriff?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Actually, it's a puppy." Wally choked.
"No, it's a hound from hell." Dick ignored him.
"His name is Ace and he's adorable."
"If by adorable you mean terrifying then sure." Roy said but Dick stuck his tongue out at him childishly.
"Here you go, Wing. Come back soon!" The bat flew away, attracting more eyes.
"Why did you name him Wing?"
"Because when I found him he had a broken wing. How else do you think I managed to tame a bat?" He raised his eyebrows. Hermione wasn't in potions that day, but Dick couldn't really bring himself to care, his mind kept wandering off to the tunnels. They already found where five of them led, and six more ended up in dead ends. One tunnel lead to the restricted section of the library. His cheeks reddened when he remembered the other four. They lead to the girl's dormitories of every house and every year. All of the mirrors in the dormitories had a spell on them so that whoever was in the tunnels could see the girls but the girls would only see their own reflection. And now Dick has a tiny crush on Barbara Gourdon.
The first one they stumbled upon was the Slytherin dorms, and Roy couldn't tear his eyes off of Jade Crock. Wally took a liking to Megan, a metomorphagus in Hufflepuff.
But the feast was amazing. There were more bats now, flying around everywhere. For the first time in weeks, Dick was genuinely enjoying himself as he forgot about Bruce and Alfred and focused on making corny and cheesy jokes to see when Zabini would crack and laugh.
"What is a monster's favorite desert? I-scream!" He exclaimed before getting himself some ice cream. Zabini shook his head.
"At class, I forget that you're ten years old. Now, you make it perfectly clear."
"Where does Count Dracula eat his lunch? At the casketeria."
"This is pathetic."
"Who is the best ghost detective? Sherlock Moans." Finally, after half an hour of really bad jokes, Zabini snorted and started laughing.
"Do one about Batman, the guy in America." Dick smirked, easy as pie, he'll just do one that actually happened, not in those exact words but something similar has actually happened. it was interrupted by Professor Quirrel who ran inside the hall. For once, his turban was askew. He ran to the teachers table and stopped right in front of Dumbledore.
"Troll- in the dungeons- thought you ought to know." And then he collapsed. Dick narrowed his eyes. To him, it was obvious that Quirrel was faking the pass-out. Is this a drill? By the way the students are panicking he gathered that it isn't. But the teachers were sharing worried glances. They weren't in on this either. Maybe Quirrel planned a school prank? Dick almost laughed at the idea. So while everyone was panicking and Dumbledore was sending purple sparks from his wand, Dick hid under the table and sat still.
"Prefects," he rumbled, "lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!" But the Slytherin dormitories are in the dungeons, where the troll is! Dick narrowed his eyes. There is definitively something going on. Besides, how does a troll enter through a magical barrier and get inside Hogwarts, ignores all the aromas from the great hall and stumbles upon Quirrel who instead of defeating him like a defense against the dark arts teacher should know how to do, ran to the headmaster. Besides, Quirrel was supposed to be at the feast anyway, like every other teacher. What the hell was he doing in the dungeons, if his classroom is on the second floor?
Dick waited until everyone was outside and watched Quirrel 'wake up' before he stood up and hastily left the great hall, but he went in the opposite direction of the dungeons. Dick narrowed his eyes before getting out from under the table and sinking into the shadows to follow him. They were going upstairs. Dick noticed that there was someone else following them but he didn't dare take his eyes off of Quirrel long enough to turn and see who it is. Why would an incompetent DADA teacher go to the third floor, where Dumbledore predicted death to anyone who entered? Dick hasn't thought much of it, but now realizes he should've already explored this by now. He decided to explore it before Christmas too. Only after he finds the hogsmeade tunnels. Wally put a label on each tunnel so now they know which way would bring them where. They usually do it on the weekend as an all nighter and then continue on to Sunday where they have to leave and do their homeworks. Dick has asked Roy to transfigured a few twigs he bring inside the tunnel into a trapeze set. The tunnels are also where they train and spar so that they don't get out of shape.
Quirrel stopped walking and Dick froze, moving closer towards the protective darkness. He looked around before muttering something and unlocking the door. Dick leaned in to see what's inside and his eyes widened. A Cerberus. There was a freaking Cerberus inside this school! Are they crazy? Dick's eyes looked around the walls, searching for tale tale signs of spells being used. But instead, they found a trap door that the dog was sitting on. Quirrel pointed his wand at the dog with confidence Dick has never seen him have before. Cerberus was now panting heavily, waiting for the moment to pounce. That's when Snape interrupted.
"What are you doing here, Quirinus?" Snape's drawl broke the silence, and the dog pounced. But not on Quirrel, no. it decided that Snape would be tastier and managed to scratch his leg before the professor took out his wand and sent a stunner at him. It didn't actually hurt the dog, but it decided that Quirrel was a safer choice, especially now that he was trying to open the trap door. The dog silently padded his way there. Snape was wincing as he tried to stand up and searched for his wand on the floor. Before Cerberus ate his DADA teacher raw, Dick jumped onto his back. The professors made surprised faces as Dick held on to the dog tightly before grabbing a needle with a serious knock out serum that could take superman to sleep, if you can pierce his skin first though. He stuck it to the dog's vein in the neck and then held on as if on a rodeo. Snape searched for his wand faster and Quirrel finally saw his opening in trying to get the trap door open, when the dog crumpled beneath the student and set one of his slobbery heads onto the trap door. Dick was panting heavily as he hid the syringe before turning to the stunned professors.
"Why is there a Cerberus in this school?" He asked calmly as he stood up. As if battled three headed dogs on regular basis.
"Mr. Grayson, what are you doing here?" He looked up at Professor Quirrel.
"Hen you pretended to pass out your body was rigid and tense, an obvious sign of consciousness, and you were still beating heavily from the run here, hen people are asleep they breathe evenly. And when you do stand up instead of going to help the other teachers with the troll, heaven knows how he got into a magically protected school, you come here. So the real question is, what are you doing here because I just followed you." The professors shared a glance.
"I should obliviate him." Quirrel said.
"He won't tell anyone, would you?" Dick scoffed.
"If you give me a good reason I won't."
"How about detention for the rest of the year with me that could be avoided if you agree not to tell anyone." Dick smirked.
"You got yourself a deal, professor. But I want answers." He glared at both of them.
"Go to your common room, we will contact you later." Dick nodded and disappeared in the shadows once more, quietly making his way to the common room.
"Dude! Where the heck have you been?" Zabini exploded as soon as he walked through the wall.
"I got lost. The Ravenclaw prefect saw my head and must be mistaken me for one of the Ravenclaw first year because she pushed me into her pile and it's not so easy to get out of a herd of panicking children."
"And there we were making bets on wether the troll ate you or beat you up." Dick raised an eyebrow but Zabini didn't elaborate and the two went to their own rooms to get some sleep.
In the middle of the night, Dick felt something cold and rough on his shoulder. He immediately grabbed it as his eyes swung open and he sat up groggily. There, in front of him, was Snape. Dick immediately let go of his hand and took notice that Dumbledore was inside too.
"Hi." Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling.
"Mr.Grayson, it seems that you have broken a school rule."
"Your warning was way off. I mean, I survived and Severus got out with a scratch so he's fine too. You said there was going to be a certain death, so really, you should go over your statistics again, it would be more accurate to say that there is a fifty fifty chance of survival or something." Snape curved his lip in distaste. "You can't expel me either. Technically, was just following the teacher, something we are told to do on a daily basis. So I didn't go there just for the heck of it, I didn't even know where we were going. I saw suspicious activity and followed it. Which reminds me, why is there a Cerberus is the school? And just a puppy too, his snake tail didn't start developing yet. Where did you even get him from?"
"The dog is simply guarding something of utmost importance." Dick narrowed his eyes.
"If Quirrel is trying to steal whatever it is down there, then why is he a teacher? Are you trying to keep an eye on him or something? Why would he even want to get whatever it is. Unless......it's a weapon, isn't it? It's dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands?"
"We are indeed trying to 'keep an eye' on professor Quirrel. As for the object hidden, you are not wrong and neither are you correct. Congratulations on defeating Fluffy, however you will still serve detention with Professor Quirrel-"
"You want me to spy on him for you, to tell you everything he says or does, right? When am I supposed to report for duty, if I do manage to find something out, that is."
"Straight after your detention you will go to Professor Snape. Oh, and we are asking you not to tell anyone about any of this, do I make myself clear?" Dick looked at Dumbledore, and then at a scowling Snape before nodding and grinning.
"we are sorry to have disturbed you, you may return to the dream world, Mr. Grayson." Dick nodded but couldn't go back to sleep again, not after he woke up already. He sighed before doing some stretches and then finishing off homework to get a clear schedule for the weekend tunnel adventures. He looked at the clock and sighed again before going towards the tunnels and training on the trapeze until he was completely exhausted so he could go back to sleep. But dream world had other ideas for him. There was Quirrel, smirking there and cackling like a madman as he killed the dog before going downstairs and grabbing codes to sent off a nuclear bomb to Gotham that completely destroyed the Wayne manor and both Bruce and Alfred were killed in the explosion. Dick cried out and Quirrel hurled around before slowly unfurling his turban and revealing snakes that hissed at him as Dick turned into stone.
He woke up sweating and knew there was only one thing he could do now. He grabbed his uniform and jumped into the tunnel under the bed. To anyone else it looked like a normal floor but Dick discovered a spell when his shoe slid down beneath the bed and sank into the floor, as he is sinking now. He fell on top of the soft mat they placed there before following the signs to the Gryffindor rooms, where he turned the staircase into a slide by merely touching it. He slid down to the Gryffindor common rooms and then ran upstairs towards second year Boyd dormitories. He found the one he needed fairly quickly and went towards the only bed with closed curtains. It's just that Wally vibrates when he gets nightmares, and doesn't want anyone to know, because Gryffindors share dormitories, which Dick finds stupid but whatever, not his problem.
Dick shook Wally awake and the teenager grumbled in his sleep. So Dick stopped shaking and simply climbed into the bed before hugging Wally so that the other doesn't disappear. Only then did he manage to fall asleep.
Wally woke up to alarm clocks and shuffling around the dormitory. That was usual. What was unusual were the tiny arms wrapped around his torso, tangled legs and a tuft of black hair on his stomach. Seriously, Dick was too short for his age. He smiled at the picture but the reason of Dick's appearance here made him frown. He gently shook the kid awake and Dick groaned tiredly.
"Five minutes, Alfie." Wally smiled before trying and failing to unwrap himself from Dick's arms, unsuccessfully.
"Are you coming Wally? You'll be late for breakfast!"
"Coming!" Ok, now Dick was between him and his food. "C'mon, Dick, wake up."
"It's a school day. C'mon! It's Friday, then we have the weekend. Just a few more hours, ok?"
"M'kay." He murmured before blinking up at the ginger with his blue eyes. "I had a nightmare."
"I know."
"It was bad."
"do you want to talk about it?" Dick shook his head. "Ok, but hurry up because I've got McGonogal first period and I can not be late." Wally peaked out through the curtains but once he was certain that there was no one there, he speeded to the bathrooms to take a quick shower while Dick put his uniform on. They finished dressing at the exact same time and then ran to the Great Hall where they sat next to Roy.
"What rank would you give it this time?"
"An eight." Dick replied. The three have created a one to ten scale on how bad a nightmare they had was. "Does anyone know what happened yesterday with the troll?"

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