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I've been thinking, this much separation from Bruce and absence could brake Robin's mind at least slightly at his young age, so his POV will get messy.

When the notice board said that we would have flying with the Gryffindors, everyone groaned except Malfoy.
"I'll finally show Potter where he belongs. Hey Grayson, have you ever ridden a broom before?"
"No." That's a lie. Bruce knew there'd be no trapezes here and I need to be in air, so he taught me how to fly a broom. I just want to surprise Malfoy, show him that a muggleborns can be as good as he at flying a broom. I heard Hermione and the kid who managed to destroy a cauldron talking about how they've never ridden a broom in their life. Everyone else bragged about it like there's no tomorrow.
"Why not? Haven't your muggle parents ever taught you anything about it?" He snickered as I clenched my fists in irritation. Then my eyes widened.
"How did you know that I'm muggleborn? It's not like the sorting hat screams it out with the house." Malfoy sneered at him.
"You didn't think I was stupid, did you, Grayson? Anyone who's anyone knows that Bruce Wayne adopted you." Whispers broke out at the sound of that name.
"Bruce Wayne? Really?"
"Why would he adopt a muggleborn?"
"The Bruce Wayne?" Dick turned and ran out of the common room, past Wally and Roy and into the Quidditch field where Madame Hooch was waiting for someone to bring in the brooms.
"Hello." She looked down at him, then narrowed her eyes at his tie.
"Yes?" She asked before muttering something about the weasleys being the death of her.
"What happened?"
"Huh? Our beaters hid all the brooms for your class."
"But if you know it's them who did it, then why didn't you just take the brooms back?"
"Easier said than done, kid. They didn't just hide them for the sake of hiding them, they're trying to make a point."
"I've got nothing to do, I can try to persuade them." Madame hooch shrugged.
"Good luck, no one has been able to do it so far." He grinned and rushed back into the castle, where the grin immediately slid off my face. Wherever he went, everyone would whisper the name 'Bruce Wayne'. This must be how potter feels. Well he's not potter, Dick won't just politely look at the ground and shuffle to my class, hoping to just stumble on it without using his eyes. He ran though them, bumping by a lot of them too, before finally reaching the great hall, where he knew they would be with Wally and Roy. They just had to be. Dick smiled when Hefinally saw them all and calmly sat down next to Wally, ignoring the eyes.
"they know." Roy whispered and He nodded.
"That's not why I'm here. Greg! Forge! We need to talk."
"It's Fred and George."
"Couldn't care less. Why did you steal the brooms?" The two grinned.
"Well, our little snake, the school brooms have twigs coming out of them everywhere. If you fly too high, they start vibrating and they always fly towards the left! If the brooms are gone, the teachers would have to buy new brooms so really, we're doing you a favor." Dick smiled tentatively, pretending to be timid.
"Oh fuck, Dick is plotting again." Wally muttered and Dick resisted the urge to smirk.
"But this way would only end with you in trouble with nothing in resolve. If you don't mind getting in trouble, then do something worthy, right? Like break all the brooms u replaceable, so that even magic won't fix them. Then they would be forced to buy new brooms."
"Wicked idea. We'll go do that right now." One of them said.
"Wait!" He pouted, and widened my eyes. Dick heard Roy curse and Wally send prayers to the twins. "What about my flying class? It's my first flying class and if we don't get the brooms now, then we won't get to fly." He sniffled. "I want to know how to fly and if you break the brooms now we'd have to reschedule. But, I guess that's not important to you." He looked to the ground, suddenly interested in his shoes.
"No, no that's not what we meant. How about this, we'll give the brooms now for your lesson and then break them later. So by your next lesson, the brooms will be new."
"Yeah! You'll get your lesson now, we'll just go get your brooms!" The two ran from the great hall and I smirked before turning to the other two.
"And that, gentlemen, is how you get what you want." The two rolled their eyes.
"One day, you're going to grow out of your puppy eyes and you pouting won't be cute anymore."
"Let's be real here, I would probably die before that happens." The two grimaced.
"Look! It's the son of Bruce Wayne." Roy and Wally sighed.
"That's our queue to leave."
"Don't you dare leave me here alone." Dick hissed before latching himself to Roy's leg. "Try leaving now, Harper. I dare you." Roy rolled his eyes.
"You are aware that you barely weigh anything right?" He started walking in the direction of the exit with me still latched to his leg. Dick glared up at him before biting his calf.
"Oi! Get off!" He started shaking the leg.
"Roy! Roy, it's hopeless! Ollie tried, remember? He's a monkey." Hestuck my tongue out at Wally.
"You're just jealous cause you're too old to do that now." Wally snorted.
"Jealous? Me? Ha!"
"Are you really the son of Bruce Wayne?" Some Asian girl from Ravenclaw asked. He scowled at her.
"You're in Ravenclaw, you should know that if he was my father I would have his surname." Roy bent down.
"Leave my leg alone, squirt, I swear I'll tell Alfred that you're still acting like a kid." He narrowed his eyes before untangling himself from Roy's leg and looking up at him.
"That's it mister, no cookies for you." His jaw dropped.
"You can't do that!"
"I can and I will. Wanna test me?"
"That's enough." Dick turned to McGonagall. That lady can smell trouble from a mile away. He looked around and realized that everyone was watching us. "Mr.Harper, I believe you are late to your charms lesson." Roy grabbed his bag before stomping out. "Mr. Wayne-"
"That's Grayson." He hissed out.
"You have a class soon too, I believe." Just then, the twins burst in carrying all the brooms. Dick smirked at her.
"Yes, I do. Weasleys, follow me!" They did. Quirrel followed the exchange with interest. He has convinced Gryffindors to become his minions already.
"Here, Madame Hooch!" Her jaw dropped. "Thanks guys!"
"You're welcome, Dick." The two said at the same time before leaving.
"a magician never reveals their secrets. On another note, do you need some help setting up?" She shook her head before waving her wand and muttering something. All the brooms set themselves up in two lines.
"Well, since you're early anyway, would you like to show me what you've got?" I shrugged and walked up to the closest broom. The twins were right, these looked as if they would collapse at any second.
"Up!" It immediately flew into my hand and I sat down on it properly. She checked my grip and said that it could have some working on, but was alright for now on. And then he went off the ground. In the air, Dick finally felt free. A giggle ripped itself out of his throat, and another, and another until he was just laughing in the air. He looked down at the teacher, who was calling him down. No, not yet. He jumped so that now he was standing on the broom.
"You wanted me to show you what I've got? Well here it is!" He flipped to be holding on the broom with his hands, Withe his feet in the air. Then he let his feet down and jumped high enough to sit on the broom again before finally landing. He grinned at her, but she was pursing her lips.
"Who taught you to fly?"
"Mostly me. Bruce isn't big on the whole defying gravity thing, but I love it!" She smiled.
"Have you considered joining the Slytherin Quidditch team next year?" He shook his head quickly.
"I'm not a team player. Besides, I'm good at flying. Not chasing or whatever." There was something behind me. I quickly turned and snatched it from the air before it disappeared, it was the snitch.
"You could always be the seeker." He shook his head again.
"Not a fan of Quidditch, people are always falling off." Dick frowned. "I don't even watch Quidditch. I like flying but for leisure , not for sport."
"You are free to go." He furrowed his eyebrows, the class was just coming.
"There's nothing I can teach you, there is no point in you being part of this class." He shrugged.
"Goodbye Madame Hooch!" He called out before going back into the dungeons, making sure to brush he shoulder against Malfoy's on the way.
He decided to finally write the letter to Bruce as he had found the secret corridor Bruce created last night. He went to the owlerry while thinking of what to write.

Dear Bruce,
The letter from Wally was a prank, ignore him. I was sorted to Slytherin and got the room you told me about. The tunnel wasn't hard to find. Under the bed, really? I'll try sneaking Wally and Roy into the Slytherin dorms so that we can explore the tunnels together.
Snape is as mean as you said he would be, he continues to pick on Harry Potter. I figured out that McGonagall was an animagus, no thanks to you, by the way. On another note, Quirrel is acting weird, like he stutters and tells everyone scary stories about vampires in Romania which is a bit stereotypical, don't you think? And he told us a story of how he beat some zombie for African royalty and got the turban he never takes off as a result. We asked him for details but he didn't give any, so he's probably lying. Anyway, he acts as if he's scared of everything but that's only what he says. He's always relaxed and his eyes don't look around everywhere as if he knows that no one will attack him. But I'm probably acting paranoid, I mean, Dumbledore trusts him, right?
Malfoy recognized my name and now everyone is whispering about me and you. Nothing new but still annoying.
Tell Alfred I said hi and I miss both of you.

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