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Not many paid attention to Dick the next day, everyone was still shocked about the whole 'the boy who lives needs an education too' thing. So not many paid attention to the fact that he was sitting at the Gryffindor table.
"personally, I thought you'd make a good Ravenclaw." Roy said, but Dick just smirked.
"Admit it, we all knew where I would end up." The two nodded.
"But we could still hope that somewhere behind those scales there was a roaring lion." Wally said dramatically before digging back into his food as the other two laughed.
"Have you found it?" Dick shook his head.
"Bruce is good at hiding stuff. I refuse to write him a letter before I find the damn thing. Besides, I would go looking for it even if I wasn't sorted into Slytherin." Roy snorted.
"Fat chance, that. I would be shocked if you ended up anywhere but Slytherin." Dick suddenly looked horrified.
"Can you imagine how that letter would go? Sorry Bruce, apparently I'm a badger that think anyone who isn't one has to tweak their personalities? Alfie would faint." Wally grinned.
"Too late for that. I sent uncle Barry an owl that you got sorted into Hufflepuff.
"Do you seriously think that me becoming a Hufflepuff would cause Bruce to make a scene? Geez, Walls-"
"Mr. Grayson, it-it appears you are sit-sitting at the-the wrong table." Dick turned to face professor Quirrel's before flashing him an innocent smile.
"My apologies, professor. I wasn't aware of this rule as it was not mentioned by Professor Dumbledore last night. I shall go now." He snatched a toast from the Gryffindor table as he winked at his friends before taking his bag and going towards his first class, completely ignoring the Slytherin table.
"I-I don't believe it would-would be wise fo-for you two to continue sha-sharing your company with Mr.Grayson." Roy cocked an eyebrow.
"And why not?" But Quirrel's just walked away without answering. The gingers frowned before they simultaneously stood up and ran after Robin to tell him about the warning. But he wasn't where he was supposed to be.
"Why does he always do that?" Wally groaned.
"Do what?" Dick asked from the ceiling. The two jumped.
"I was restless and this ceiling seemed perfect, thank you very much." He flipped before landing on his feet. "Is there any particular reason as to why Wally isn't still providing the house elves with a job or did KidMouth finally get full?"
"Ha ha ha, very funny. Quirrel told us to stop hanging out with you." Robin raised an eyebrow.
"Hmm? Well now we know who hates house unity." The door opened magically to reveal a cat on the desk. Dick grinned. "Now if you'll excuse me, it seems that Minerva has left a riddle. Why the hell is there a cat on the desk?" He muttered before entering the classroom. The gingers separated and went in their own ways too. Dick put his bag on the front row before standing in front of the cat, then walking around it, narrowing his eyes. Hermione walked in next, frowning when she realized she wasn't the first to enter.
"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger, and-" the boy shushed her.
"I almost got it!"
"Look, McGonagall is obviously a professional at being a teacher. She's been in this school for ages. She's not going to let the classroom door left open for a class of disrespectful first years with wild ideas of pranking her, which is impossible. Why would McGonogall leave the classroom to a cat, a cat that hasn't moved since I got here and let me tell you, cats don't like standing still. And look here, it looks as if the cat has glasses. Now, I wasn't aware of magic for long but I'm pretty sure cats don't wear glasses, McGonagall does though, and this is a transfiguration class so there is only one way to explain all this." He smirked as he realized what exactly was going on before turning to Hermione. "Sorry, I like to think out loud. I really have to take care of that problem. My name is Dick Grayson by the way."
"What is it? What did you understand."
"You're a smart girl, Hermione, and I already gave you all the clues. Although, you might simply not have heard of this possibility. I mean, you're muggleborns too." Hermione narrowed her eyes at the cat, trying to see what he saw.
"Are you trying to tell me this cat is looking after the classroom?"
"Kind of. You're not wrong, but you're not right either. Well, I can't be sure if I'm right until the rest of class gets here. We might be here for a while." As he sat in his seat and took his books out, Hermione started walking around the cat. The class filled in soon. Most didn't give the cat a second glance as they started chatting with their friends and messing about. Blaize sat next to Dick at the front and was going to start a conversation before Dick said, "dude, the cat's the teacher." Mcgonagall's ear twitched before she turned back into herself. A few people let out screams. He heard Barbara mutter 'cool.' and smirked. Dick jumped on the table.
"Called it!" He pumped his hand into the air. Now everyone was staring at him instead.
"That is correct. Mr.Grayson has found my lack of presence suspicious from the beginning. Two points to Slytherin." Dick grinned and high fived Zanini as he sat back down. McGonogall gave them a speech before turning the table into a pig and then back again. Although Dick has read the school curriculum and furniture into animals doesn't come until second or third year. Him and Hermione were the only ones who managed to get the matchstick to look at least something like a needle.
Quirrel's lesson was a joke, but Dick thought there was something more to it. Dumbledore wouldn't take a coward for a DADA teacher, and Quirrel's eyes weren't looking everywhere in fear of vampires. He couldn't care less about his fashion preference to wear the turban, what he did find suspicious is how Quirrel obviously knew the subject, but preferred to make the students underestimate him instead. Or maybe make them all paranoid of vampires. Whichever. But if he wanted to be underestimated, that meant he was probably planning a pop quiz or something, to see if the kids did their homework or not. But Friday was what Dick was really looking forward to, it was his first lesson with the mysterious teacher from Bruce's old school days. Potions should be ok, although that's more of Wally's place. Personally, I can understand why we need potions and which ones to blend in to create something else, but actually making them? That was harder. I mean, everything has to be precise.
The potions classroom felt like I was back in the batcave. Cold, dark and with an authoritative figure dressed like a bat.
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of
potionmaking, As there is little foolish wand-waving
here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses.... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." I smirked, by his definition, I'm a dunderhead. I mean, Bruce and I use muggle ways when we're batman and robin. He only taught me some just in case stuff.
"Potter!" A few people jumped. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
"I don't know, sir," said Harry. Snape sneered at him. I sneered at Snape.
"Tut, tut -- fame clearly isn't everything."
"Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were laughing. I doubt they know though.
"I don't know, sit."
"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh Potter? What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Hermione stood up and stretched her hand to touch the ceiling. Dang, is everyone taller than me here?
"I don't know, I think Hermione does, though, why don't you try her?" I snickered at that, although Snape seemed to have come to some sort of conclusion about Harry. Probably that he's a dunderbrain like me.
"Sit down, and for your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach
of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Well? Why aren't you all copying that down?" Everyone suddenly started taking notes. I took out my 'what I think of the teachers' notes' and wrote that Snape holds grudges and is easily angered. What he said Bruce already drilled into my head. I mean, we have to fight werewolves sometimes so it's always a good idea to know where to get some woosbane. And of course we have loads of bezoars. There's a reason all attempts to poison Bruce Wayne failed. I didn't know of the ingredients of this exact potion though, but I'm pretty sure that the drought of living death is higher up than what the first years can do, so I won't worry about that.
"And a point will be taken from Gryffindor House for your cheek, Potter." He then forced us to get into pairs. I immediately picked Zabini, the calmest Slytherin and the most rational thinker I've seen in hogwarts so far. He seemed quite reluctant to work with me, but knew that being anywhere near Malfoy is a death sentence, he'll make it seem as if you are his minion or something.
The task is to mix a few potions to create a cure for boils. Snape somehow found something wrong with everyone. And then he turned to Malfoy. He praised him and I narrowed my eyes, deciding to research the connection between the two later. And- wow. How the hell did a potion to cure boils just melt the cauldron?! I gave the Gryffindors an incredulous look before jumping onto the table. The rest needed to get their shoes burned before realizing that stepping in a potion is not a good idea. And wow, how the hell did a potion to cure boils just cause them cause that Gryffindor is covered in them.
"Idiot boy!" Snape waved his wand and everything was perfectly clean again. "I suppose you added the porcupine quills before taking the cauldron off the fire?" Oh. That's how. Good to know.
"Take him up to the hospital wing," Snape told the boy's partner. "You -- Potter -- why didn't you tell him not to add the quills? Thought he'd make you look good if he got it wrong, did you? That's another point you've lost for Gryffindor." And that's another point you've lost with me.
I stayed after class as everyone else left. The mess might have been cleaned up but the cauldron was still there.
"Why are you still here, Mr.Grayson? Friday afternoons are free of studies."
"I know. I just wanted to ask if you ever got tired of keeping grudges for so long? I mean, come on! You've barely even talked to this guy and what did you expect him to do after being cornered with questions like that? He's been raised by muggles and embarrassed him in front of the whole class while expecting him to not blow up at you? He's Gryffindor, they don't bottle up their emotions and you know that. Now, I came to offer to bring this cauldron back to the Gryffindor who left it here because you will clearly find displeasure in doing it yourself. And God forbid you feel uncomfortable." Snape glowered down at me, but I didn't waver. "If you're going to pick on the Gryffindors, why not all of them? Besides, you said so yourself, school is not a place to get special treatment. But hating Potter counts as special treatment too, so techincally, you are a hypocrite.
"Mr. Grayson, what is Felix Felicis?" I smiled softly, remembering when Bruce gave me some on my first patrol.
"Potion for luck, illegal to use in exams or sport though." He raised an eyebrow, as though he didn't expect me to know that.
"And what, Mr. Grayson, does Amortenia smell like?" This time I grimaced, remembering poison ivy.
"Like everything you love, any scent you feel attracted to."
"What is the effect of a bezoar, Mr. Grayson?"
"It cures all poisons. Duh, everyone-"
"You know all this but you have been raised by muggles too. Well aren't you a hypocrite?"
"I haven't been living with muggles for a year now." I spat before grabbing the cauldron and leaving the room.

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