Happy Thoughts - First Trimester

Start from the beginning

     Jihoon snuggled up next to Seungcheol.
     "Hi Cheolie~." Jihoon kissed Seungcheol on the cheek.
     "Hi, Jihoon. What's got you all cuddly and happy?" Seungcheol asked.
     "We're having a baby. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Jihoon wrapped his arms around Seungcheol's shoulders and nuzzled into his neck.
     "Some people get cranky when their pregnant." Seungcheol explained. He was actually kind of scared that Jihoon was going to be one of those scary angry pregnant people.
     "Are you saying I'm like other people?" Jihoon purred.
     "No, I'm not saying that." Seungcheol said. "I'm just saying you were so short-tempered before you were pregnant I thought it would get worse during your pregnancy."
     Jihoon curled up against Seungcheol's chest.
     "How many kids do you want, Cheolie?" Jihoon asked.
     "Um." Seungcheol didn't know how to answer the question. He knew that Jihoon knew he wanted a lot of kids, but he never told him how many.
     "12. I want 12 kids." Seungcheol answered.
     "Then we'll have 12 kids, whether I'm cranky or not." Jihoon kissed Seungcheol on the mouth. Seungcheol smiled at the thought of having 12 kids with Jihoon.

     "Hansol, I think I'm getting fat." Seungkwan whined.
     "What do you mean, Boo?"
     "I can't button my pants." Seungkwan pouted as he showed Hansol his problem. Hansol watched Seungkwan struggle with the button on his pants.
     "Let me help." Hansol said. He tried to button his boyfriend's pants, but he found it really hard.
     "Suck in your tummy." Hansol suggested.
     Seungkwan sucked in his stomach the best he could, but his pants still wouldn't button.
     "Boo, you're not getting fat." Hansol explained. "It's just the baby getting bigger. You might have to start wearing maternity jeans.
     Seungkwan groaned.
     "But those are ugly."
     "No they're not. They're just normal jeans with an elastic waistband."
     "I don't want to start wearing maternity clothes." Seungkwan whined.
     "You're going to have to. The baby is just going to keep getting bigger and your clothes are going to get tighter."
     "Can't I just wear your clothes?"
     "We wear the same size clothes. If you don't want to wear maternity clothes, you can wear sweatpants all the time."
     Seungkwan groaned and plopped onto the couch.
     "Why do you hate me?"
     "I don't hate you. I just want you to be comfortable."
     Seungkwan just went on pouting. Hansol sat down next to him and put a hand on Seungkwan's belly. Seungkwan looked up at him.
     "You'll get your figure back after the baby's born." Hansol assured.
     Hansol nodded and pecked Seungkwan's lips.
     "Besides, you'll look cute with a baby bump."
     Seungkwan smiled and kissed Hansol on the lips.

     Wonwoo played with the hem of his hoodie while he waited for Mingyu to show up. It has been a whole month since he talked to his mother, therefore it was a whole month before Wonwoo had the balls to text Mingyu asking him to meet at the local café.
     Wonwoo was going to tell Mingyu about the baby over the phone, but he thought it would be better to say it in person. He began to second guess himself. He wished he did tell him over text. He was afraid of how Mingyu would react. What if he thought Wonwoo was lying? What if he didn't want anything to do with the baby?
     Wonwoo suddenly began aware of how tight his pants felt with the baby pushing against them. He quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching him and he unbuttoned his pants. He felt a little better, but he was still nervous about Mingyu.
     He's not here yet, Wonwoo thought to himself. Maybe I can leave before he gets here.
     However, as soon as he thought that, a familiar face walked through the door. Wonwoo pulled his hood up and sank down in his chair, hoping that Mingyu wouldn't recognize him.
     He swore under his breath when Mingyu started walking over to his table.
     "Hi." Mingyu said as he sat at the table.
     Wonwoo blushed at Mingyu's smile.
     "I haven't seen you in, what, three months?" Mingyu smirked. "How have you been?"
     Wonwoo swallowed. He wasn't sure if it was a good time to bring up the baby yet.
     "I've been okay."
     "That's good."
     That's when a waitress showed up. Mingyu ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and a soda and Wonwoo order fries and a chocolate milkshake.
     "That's really what you ordered?" Mingyu asked while he stared at Wonwoo's food.
     Wonwoo picked up a fry and dipped it into his milkshake.
     "Yes. Cravings." Wonwoo ate the fry before realizing what he said.
     "Okay." Mingyu took a bite out of his sandwich. "Isn't that a little unhealthy?"
     "Maybe, but the baby inside me wants this." Wonwoo couldn't seem to control his words.
     Mingyu looked wide-eyed at Wonwoo.
     "You're pregnant?"
     "Yes, I am. And you're the father." Wonwoo munched on his french fries to keep from exploding.
     For some reason, that made Wonwoo snap.
     "'Oh'? 'Oh'! I have been trying to find the confidence to tell you for a month that I am pregnant with your baby and I've been freaking out over what you would think and all you have to say about it is 'oh'!"
     Wonwoo had started to break down and cry. Everyone in the café was staring.
     "Wonwoo, people are staring." Mingyu said calmly.
     "Let them stare. Let everyone in this place know that you are a sleazy bastard who sleeps with every guy he sees and doesn't care if he knocks someone up!"
     Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo's hand and dragged him outside to the parking lot. He put his hands on Wonwoo's shoulders.
     "Wonwoo, I need you to calm down."
     Wonwoo took in a shaky breath. He swallowed back upcoming tears.
     "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm a mess." Wonwoo whimpered as he swiped tears away.
     "It's alright. You're just being hormonal."
     Wonwoo puked up his milkshake and fries.
     "I'm sorry. Again."
     "It's okay." Mingyu held on to Wonwoo. "Is what you said true? Are you pregnant with my baby?"
     Wonwoo nodded before breaking into tears again.
     "Wonwoo." Mingyu wiped Wonwoo's cheeks and rested his forehead against Wonwoo's. "Just so you know, you were my first."
     Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu and sniffed.
     "You were my first, too."
     "If you need any help with the baby, I'll be there. Okay?"
     Wonwoo nodded and sniffled. Mingyu kissed him on the forehead before going back inside to pay the bill.
     Wonwoo smiled for the first time in months.

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