Another late students

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I can't really see her face since there are so many bodyguards who surrounds her.

Wow. His dad must love her a lot. Wait. I guess he care more about her ability than her daughter's life. Whatever it's not my business lol.

"Good morning Kurapika!!"
~No one POV~

"Good Morning Kurapika!!"

"Good morning Neon-sama" said Kurapika while bowing.

'Sama...? Is Kurapika one of her bodyguards too?' You thought.

"Mouu! How many time should I remind you to just call me Neon!"

Kurapika smile to Neon as his answer.

Neon start walking to your direction with a big smile, which make you want to step back, but it'll be rude to do dat in your opinion so U just stay there with "I'm-not-scared-well-but-I-actually-do" expression.

"Are you new here? I never seen you before!"

"Yes I am, I'm (F/N), (L/N)! Just call me (Y/N)!" You said try to be as cheerful as you can.

"I'm Neon Nostrade! Hope we can be a good friend (Y/N)-chan!"

"So what grade are U in Neon?"

"I'm a first grader! Hbu (Y/N)-chan?"

"What a coincidence! I'm in da first grade too!! Hope we go to da same class!"

"Yepp! Let's find our class once we can go in!"


"Neon-sama, we are going to leave soon. Please take care, and don't go anywhere without Kurapika's accompany." Said one of da bodyguard.

"Yea yea whataver. I'm tired with those words." Said Neon with a boring tone.

Those bodyguards then left nowhere, leaving da 2 late students along with da cute student council president.

Kurapika then asked Neon why did she late today, and her answer is bcuz  her maids forgot to wake her up today (which is true.) But even tho if her maids did wake her up, she's still going to pretend asleep bcuz she's too lazy to listen da principal boring speech which you can relate so much.

After Kurapika finished writing Neon's late reason, Neon&You talk about stupid-random things like "why does we have 2 ears and not 1" or like "Lemon will look better with pink colours" and others stupid things.

Kurapika just sweatdrop at  your stupid conversation and feel left out.

"Kurapika you look so lonely there! why don't you join us?" Said da Nostrade daughter.

"Thanks for your concern milady, but my duty right now is to stay here and waiting for those students who came late." Kurapika answered politely.

"Man! You're so boring Kurapika... Don't you agree (Y/N)?" Said Neon pouting.

"U-um yes maybe(?) ahaha..."

You don't know  what kind of answer you should give to Neon so basically you're just telling her a random answer.

"Looks! Even (Y/N) think so too!" Neon shout with angry tone.

"T-that's not w-what I mean Neon! You get da wrong idea!" You answer back.

"Eh? Then what do you think of Kurapika, (Y/N)?" Asked Neon with a curiousty all over her face.

'Wut?! I'm fine with telling Neon on how do I feel for Kurapika, but he's here so of course I can't tell da truth!' You thought while thinking a fake answer.

Love With The Student Council President (Kurapika x Reader) *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now