Harry's daughter sick- for Sasosmash

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I dumped the folded sheets down on the bed, deciding to get my youngest out of her wet pajamas before I went any further.

"Come here Mars bar, let's get ya outta these." I knelt down in front of her with a clean pair of pajamas in one hand. I opened the blanked and hooked her legs over the side of the seat. I tried to be quick in getting her into the fresh clothes. I knew she was probably feeling pretty embarrassed and upset about the whole incident. She hadn't wet the bed for a while now so she was probably a bit disappointed in herself. The quicker I got her out of the wet pajamas the quicker she could forget about it.

I patted the waist band of her new pants after I'd helped her pull them up and smiled at her splotchy face, "better?"

"Daddy I f-feel funny" she whimpered, the nickname pulling at my heartstrings. She doesn't call me that much anymore.

"How Sweetpea?" I asked with a frown.

She shook her head once shortly, "I d-dunno, but Dadd-"

She managed to veer around me and throw up on the carpet rather than all over me impressively enough before bursting into tears again while I leapt into action, knowing I couldn't stay shocked for too long.

"Aw Mara, it's okay Baby" I picked her out of her seat and cuddled her into me again, "you feeling sick Love?"

It would explain the tears and the accident but I didn't want it to be true. Maybe she'd just cried so much she'd made herself vomit.

She let out a choked 'yeah' in between sobs. Ah, great.

"Do you think you might get sick again Sweetpea? Would you like to go to the bathroom?"

She shook her head silently and I stood with her again, casting a look of dismissal to her unmade bed, "how about you sleep with me tonight Mars bar, does that sound okay to you?"

Another silent answer, apart from the crying of course. I carried her back my bedroom and sat her down on the bed. Then I went and grabbed a bucket, some towels, medicine, a bottle of water and her toothbrush and paste. I went as fast as I could, not wanting to leave her alone for too long while she was so upset.

When I got back I helped her quickly wash her mouth out and I was about to have her take some medicine when I noticed how droopy her eyes were. She was leaning against me pretty much asleep. I supposed the meds could wait til morning.

We got into bed and I made sure to keep my eyes open until I knew for sure she was asleep.


Jackson woke me up again a few hours later. I shushed him and quickly got out of bed to push him out of the room before he woke Mara. He frowned in confusion and said something in a muffled voice thanks to the hand I had clasped over his mouth.

"What?" I said, quietly closing the bedroom door. He licked my hand and grinned smugly as I pulled back with a disgusted sound.

"I said, what the hell?" He stated, managing to dodge the slobbery hand I tried to wipe on his shoulder.

"Mara's asleep in there. She had a bit of a rough night and I think she's got the stomach flu or something" I replied, "what do you want?"

"Ew." Jackson pulled a face, "was she sick?"

"Yeah" I said with a groan, remembering that I still had to clean that mess up.

"Well I just wanted to say bye, my ride's here." He shrugged. "Good luck with Mara, don't forget to ring the school."

I rolled my eyes. Bossed around by my own son huh?

"I won't forget, have a good day at school" I called as he disappeared down the stairs, backpack swinging around on his back. There was a thud a few moments later that made me frown, "did you just fall down the stairs Jacko?"

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