The girl had a huge three bedroom duplex to herself but she preferred staying at his apartment. He wasn't bothered, she did indeed take good care of him. Love was a funny thing, such a wonderful feeling but when abused could fuel some dark emotions. He'd loved Louis to the death, they'd both loved each other but wrong doing on his part had sent them into this mess they all were in. He knew he'd been at serious fault cheating on Louis with Brenda but that didn't mean Louis should have slept with his boss instantly. The whole sh!t was just 'Crazy'.

"Hey." He replied her dropping on to the sofa.

"You don't look too good, what's the problem, babe?" She asked him coming closer.

"It's Louis, he travelled out of the country with his boss two days back, without informing me. Could you imagine his audacity? I'm just so angry right now. " He said fuming.

Brenda frowned, unconsciously tucking in the towel some more " So... are you angry he left with his boss or because you weren't informed?"

That was the same thing he'd been asking himself but he said this for Brenda's benefit " What do you think? He left without informing me, he's obviously taking my threat for granted." He said heatedly, he would just have to show him that he wasn't bluffing; he would really regret this action of his.

"Baby," Brenda approached him "You really need to relax and that's something you know I'm really great at." She knelt in front of him and began undoing his shirt buttons. Maison didn't stop her but instead smiled slyly.
"but you just had your bath," he said.

"I'll just have to have it all over again and perhaps this time, you could join me?" She asked going for his belt buckle now and some seconds later he was enveloped in the warmth of her mouth.

Laying back on the sofa, he let her perform her ministrations on him, putting Louis out of his mind, he would deal with him later.


Harry felt Louis snuggle closer into him in the back seat of the car as Paul drove them home, It was about six thirty a.m and they'd just landed. He was so tired, Beijing had been too much fun, so much to do in so little time coupled with the long flights and since this was the first time he was crossing so many time zones, the jet lag had gotten to him. He'd adjusted more easily to the jet lag since he was used to travelling but for Louis, all he'd done was sleep all through the sixteen hour flight back and was still asleep.

He smiled as he recalled all they'd been up to, Louis had the time of his life seeing things through virgin eyes. He'd never for once masked his awe at the sights, he'd been like a kid taken to Disneyland for the first time, all opened eyed and mouthed. He'd lost count of the number of times Louis said 'wow' and he'd taken so many pictures and videos, his sixteen gig memory card hadn't even been enough. Harry could swear he took at least five shots of anything he found interesting which was almost everything. Right from the airport, he'd dug out his camera and began snapping away. Louis had given tourist a new meaning.

Beijing was indeed a wonderfully crafted city with a lot of tourist sites, they'd only been to few as they'd been time strapped. After conducting his business and main reason for taking the trip visiting the factory and warehouse where most of the company's production and manufacturing was done, he'd taken Louis out on the town. On the first day, they'd managed to tour through the Forbidden City, the Schichahai lakes, Tienanmen Square and the Tower of Heaven and of course the great wall but the highlight of the day had been in the evening, when he'd gotten Louis to eat the famed 'Da Dong' restaurant's roast duck.

At first he'd been sceptical as he'd never had duck before, but he'd convinced him that it was way better than chicken, really crispy and he would love it with the pancakes that went along with it. Louis accused him of being a foodie who would eat anything but had finally decided to have a tiny taste and had been convinced, he'd eaten over half of the duck after that and then had begun complaining of a full stomach, of which he'd prescribed more walking to.

Swindle. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now