"Brass knuckles, what a bitch move to use." He slurred. Jackson punched his chest, fracturing a few ribs. Charles coughed as blood trickled down.

"If you're gonna kill me, kill me. Don't tire yourself with lowly tactics." Charles complained. Jackson dropped his brass knuckles and grabbed his throat, choking him tightly.

"You shut your mouth now!" He demanded. "C-can't when you're c-choking me." Charles said. Jackson released him and walked away, shutting the door behind him. Zeljan chuckled lightly.

"What're you laughing about?" Jackson spat. "You spend your time torturing the boy, the new commander no less. Why?" He asked.

"I have my reasons." He said again. "I have time, enlighten me." Kurst replied crossing his arms.

"He made me see images of my past victims. When I was a Rider. He showed me murdering them when I couldn't control him. I hated myself for it. I searched for the one that could help me control the power. It was breathtaking and it frightened me. After mastering the Hellfire, I was excited, but the Rider kept whispering in my mind. He tried to help me, but the voice was too much to handle. So, I ended up giving in to his demands. He controlled my life, he would sleep in the morning and come forth the following night. But, I was soon able to gain control and shut him out forever. Then, I worked my way to finding a solution that would rid me of this accursed abomination. That was until I found Mr. Williams, the new Rider. But unlike him, he was able to control him, then become friends with him. I was, angry. You don't just make friends with a damn demon. My anger had gotten the best of me and I tried to kill him. His innocent nature just fueled me even more, it reminded me of my child, my wife, my family. When I saw how he was with the agents, it brought back memories of my own. When I was forced to see all the horrible thing the Rider had done, it finally broke me. It killed me beyond repair, their face etched into my retinas and mind. Nothing, not even therapy, could help me forget the nightmares I had to endure. But the only thing that I had on my mind, was my revenge against him. After I was free of that hell vision, I joined up with you. Now we're here, in the present. You enlightened?" Jackson finished.

Zeljan looked at him and sighed. "Yes, I am enlightened. Now please, continue with your barbaric tactics in torture." He said walking away. The door opened and closed as Zeljan walked to the office of a warehouse.

"Reduced to a filthy warehouse, due to incompetent grunts and a successful yet failed project." He said slamming his hand on the desk. The screams of Charles traveled up to his room as he groaned.

"Wow, seems like he's using my methods. Don't know whether to be proud or slam him with copyright notice." A man spoke. Zeljan sat in his chair as he sighed.

"Show yourself, Lucifer." He said. A man walked from the shadows, wearing a porkpie hat, a red blazer, blue shirt that was tucked into his red pants, a pair of red shoes, and a pair of red shades. He removed his hat and shades to reveal his pale skin, blue eyes, chapped lips, medium ears and brown tousled hair.

"Of course you show up in red, how could I forget that is what the devil represents." He said. "Now, now, Zelly, no need to get hostile. You are my favorite you know." Lucifer said.

"Enough, why are you here?" He asked. "Just to check up, that and Charles is downstairs being tortured by that hideous soul." Lucifer replied.

"Don't look at me, I never agreed to this. I only wanted to get rid of him silently as he impeded my plans." Zeljan said.

"Well, at least you're honest Zelly." He said. "Don't call me Zelly. May I see our contract?" Zeljan  asked. Lucifer pulled a scroll out of his pocket and unraveled it. It showed lines of text. At the bottom, a line showed with Zeljan's name written in blood. He handed it to Zeljan as he grabbed it and ripped it in half, a blinding, white, light flashed in front of the two. Zeljan opened his eyes and tossed the now crumbling scroll on the ground.

"What was that for?" Lucifer whined. "Now that I have my soul back, I would like to terminate our agreement. You get your sword back and Jackson." Zeljan said pulling out the sword and tossing it to him.

"Turns out all he cares about is the Williams boy. So, you can return to Hell with him. But please put the body back." Zeljan said.

"Fine, you're no fun." Lucifer replied as he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

~Overwatch HQ~

Angela didn't sleep after the battle, she stayed up the night searching for Charles. She had Athena scan every way the ship would've taken.

"Doctor, I suggest you sleep, it's been almost 24 hours." Athena said. "I'll sleep when Charlie is back." She replied defiantly. Julie walked in to see Angela typing away at her keyboard.

"Angi." She spoke. The Doctor continued to type away, ignoring the other woman. "Angela." Julie said, making Angela sigh and turn.

"Hey, I miss him too. But we must stay vigilant and await the opportunity." She said walking over to her. She looked at Julie as she noticed tear streaks down the mother's cheeks.

"I miss my son too Angela. I don't like knowing what they're doing to him, I want to find as much as you do and we're going around the clock to find him. Gabriel is going through old Talon contacts to help find him. But, we must remain calm. We'll get him back." She said hugging the Doctor.

"I'm sorry Julie, I-I-I'm just. I can't stop thinking that he's either dead or worse." She said as Julie stroked her head.

"I know child, trust me, I know." She said. Winston knocked on the door, causing the two woman to look at him.

"We've gotten a ping off of Charles." He said. The two walked after Winston as they headed to the command room. Atticus was typing away on the computer as Aaron cleaned his weapon.

"We've traced the signal to an abandoned warehouse in King's Row." Atticus said moving the screen to the two. Angela immediately left for her office and grabbed her gear. She placed her wings on as she strapped her pistol to his side and placed her staff on her back. She walked past Lena and Aaron as the two went to stop her.

"Angi hold on luv!" Lena called out. "Not now Lena." Angela said.n Lena blinked in front of her and stopped her in her tracks.

"Hold on, you're not leaving with out me and Aaron here." She said with a smirk. Angela nodded as the three left for the hangar. Ana and Gabriel soon followed close behind.

"No one hurts my son and gets away with it." Reyes said. Ana nodded as they boarded the ship. David walked on with an assault rifle ready to fight.

"Ditto with Gabe." He said as the door closed. The dropship lifted and flew away from the base. "Thanks to Athena's geo-scan, there are three thermal signatures, wait, one just disappeared!" Winston said.

"Oh god please." Angela prayed. The ship landed in front of the warehouse, the group exited the ship and walked to the warehouse. David and Reyes walked to the back entrance as Ana, Lena, and Angela stayed behind them. Davod looked at Reyes as he nodded. The shotgun user kicked open the door as the group entered and sweeped the ground floor. Reyes dashed to a door and quieted them. David opened the door as it squeaked. Angela could faintly hear a man breathing heavily. Charles had fresh wounds on his face, broken ribs, a hemorrhaging diaphragm and two broken hands. Blood covered his pants and shirt. His head bobbed from one side to the other, as if he were in a trance. David opened the door to reveal the same scene, but a man stood next to him. He held a 9mm pistol to his head.

"Good evening, Overwatch." Zeljan said.

A/N: What was once a fleeting idea in the mind of a random author has spawned a 40 chapter book with 5.72K reads! I am astonished and my thanks knows no bounds to all you wonderful people. Especially on the Discord server, don't worry the Memelord has more for ya'll. But joking aside, thank you, all of you. You honor me with your love of this story. Thank you, and thank you Wuss_DWimp for allowing me to use your wonderful characters. I hope to see more of your chapters. I think I've talked for too long, good night/morning all you wonderful guys and gals. Tata for now! 

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