Chapter 2

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"I'm going to be away on a business trip for a few days." My head whipped up from my dishes at Tony's words.

"What?" Smiling sadly, Tony's hands rubbed up and down my sides as I continued facing the sink.

"I leave tomorrow. Boss wants us to check out the Larkin property. It's in California." Tony was a real estate agent and his partner was his best friend, Phillip. Secretly my heart leapt at the thought of being alone for those few days, but on the outside I stuck out my bottom lip childishly.

"I'm going to miss you." Laughing, Tony molded his lips against mine, biting my lip harshly. Gasping, I tried not to crinkle my face in disgust as his tongue swiped at mine. Thankfully, the doorbell rang and Tony groaned lowly. Smiling apologetically, I squeaked when he tapped my butt before snickering and heading towards the door. Returning to my dishes, I silently planned all the things I'd do with Tony gone. I could eat whatever I wanted, watch my chick flicks, come home late, hang out with Gale; the possibilities were endless. A familiar laugh dragged me back to the present and I smiled just as Tony sauntered in with Phillip in tow. Drying off my hands, I hugged Phillip loosely.

"Hey Ava." Phillip was Tony's partner and always the life of the party. He had a bright crooked smile, friendly seaweed green eyes, and oaken brown hair. He was tall and lean but harmless. Not to mention a huge sweetie, he always bought me flowers or a teddy bear on my birthday and something lovely for Christmas. Last year it was a gorgeous cashmere sweater. I never got the back-story and Tony and him but he was one of Tony's friends that I actually liked. Drawing back, I instinctively leaned into the crook of Tony's arm and continued smiling at Phillip.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Grinning in delight, Phillip shook his head.

"No, I've got a date tonight." Giggling excitedly, I curled into Tony as he squeezed me closer.

"Oh! Who's the lucky girl Stud?" Rubbing the back of his neck, Phillip grinned sheepishly as a blush bloomed over his freckled cheeks.

"Actually I won't say because I don't want to jinx it but she's great. You'd love her Ava and I'm really hoping she'll stick around." Coos and Awes bombarded Phillip until he was so red I thought he'd match the roses we sold each year. Soon after, Phillip headed out saying he needed to get ready for his date. I loved Phillip, he was like the older brother I never had. As soon as the door clicked closed, Tony returned with a devious smile.

"Where were we?"

* * * * *

Tony had left just an hour ago and I still haven't managed to relax. My muscles were stretched painfully, waiting for him to barge in furiously. Deciding I needed a night out, I picked up the phone and dialed Gale's number hesitantly. It rang four times before she picked up.

"Hello?" Gale's voice was cheery and I smiled to myself.

"Hey Gale." Recognizing my voice, Gale's smile shone through her voice.

"Oh what's up Ava?" Sighing lowly, I sat back; my friend's voice releasing some of my tension.

"I need a night out."

"What about Tony?" His voice was flat but sincere. She knew what it was like, having a domineering boyfriend.

"He's gone for the next few days, business trip." The lightness returned to her voice and I heard her shuffling in the background.

"Oh well if that's the case! I know this perfect place, it's a music shop/bookstore that just opened up and I'm dying to go get this new romance thriller novel that's out." Smiling, I pressed the phone between my shoulder and ear as I began rummaging through clothes.

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