Chapter 1

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Mary-Jane trudged through the back alleys of her rotten city, Ballambion, scuffing her trainers on the rough pebbles on the dark road beneath her feet, hands shoved into the pockets of her tattered denim jeans.

Her hair was a tangled mess on top of her head, reaching her shoulders, a dirty brown mass.

The backpack slung over her shoulder was heavy.

But not with schoolbooks.

It was heavy with food. Stolen food, for her father only bothered to feed himself. He spent the rest of their little money on alcohol.

Strong alcohol.

And the substance possesed him to do things. Break things. Things like lamps and plates and glasses and bowls. But Mary-Jane was sure he would do the same even if he wasn't under the influence.

Yet try as he might, he couldn't break the most precious thing in his house. His daughter.

Sure, he may hurt her, but she just shrugged it off as though it were nothing. She barely noticed the cuts and bruises. She has gotten used to it by now, the constant ache in her bones.

Others noticed, but didn't care. Because who would?

They had enough to worry about in this side of town without sparing another glance at a girl that looked just as scuffed up as the rest of the neighbourhood.

She wished someone did care though. She had never been cared for, at least, she doesn't remember ever being cared for. So really, she couldn't miss it.

Mary-Jane wasn't paying attention to get surroundings. She thought she was safe. Well; as safe as you can be in the East side of this particular city.

She didn't hear the slight crackle as a crisp packet was crushed under a heavy boot, or the rustle of fabric against fabric.

All that she was aware of was getting home and crawling into bed, as uncomfortable as it was.

The hood of her dirty red hoodie was pulled over her head, masking her green eyes as they focused on the grains of gravel on the path beneath her.

The smell of garbage invaded her nose as she passed a dumpster, dark binbags pushing open the green lid slightly.

Water dripped from the roof, running down the tiles to form a small puddle on the ground.

The boot stepped into the puddle.

Mary-Jane heard it this time.

And she was attacked the same time something exploded a few streets away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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