Chapter 38

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Here's the update! Okay don't kill me😬😬😬.. I was out of ideas lately wlh and I really don't know what happens during pregnancy and childbirth. I just write what I think it should happen . So don't hesitate to point out any correction. Thanks for following Hannan on her journey ! JazakAllah Khair 👏🏻💕❤️

2months later.

Abdulrahim's POV;

"Congratulations! You're having triplets" that statement kept repeating on my mind . I tried to recall who the babies might likely look like. I sat down on the couch still lost in my thoughts when hannan announced that dinner is ready. My favorite thing to do tho😏

"Alright babes I said and headed to the table.

After eating I couldn't stop staring at my wife and her belly bump. Indeed Allah is great! I recall vividly how flat her tommy was months ago, and now it's so big and to be honest it freaks me out a lot. I've never been around a pregnant woman that much except Hafsa and her bump wasn't this big. Maybe because she was carrying one child.  Hannan eats more now. She had to store extra food in the fridge incase of midnight. Staring at her made me grateful for her existence. I mean, who would have thought I Abdulrahim would have a wife as lovely as hannan, now a father to be of three wonderful babies.  I smiled

"What are we naming the babies? Hannan asked which brought me back to earth.

"Hanifa, Aliya and Abdullahi Whatchu think? Actually I never thought of those names. They just bump into my mind.

"Wow I thought the same! Just that I intended naming our son Abdulhamid. But Abdullahi is beautiful too. She said smiling and rubbing her bump.

"Abdulhamid is beautiful as well. Well let's wait until they're delivered then we'll know which suits him more among the two names I said thoughtfully.

Hannan's POV;

I woke up having to pee so bad. I went over to the Washroom. I washed my hands and existed the bathroom. I traced my way back to our bed I'm so familiar with our bedroom that I can locate anywhere in the dark.

I lay down gently feeling a lot of pain in my thighs. Arrgh this pain is getting worse I murmured.

"What pain?! Rahim said alarmed and on the lamp making the room bright.

"Oh you're awake? Er.. I sorta feel sharp pain in my things. Can't walk probably I said sitting up in the bed.

"Let's go see the doctor tomorrow he said pressing my thing gently.

"Okay.. But.. You have work to..  Rushing back to the bathroom. I Couldn't finish what I wanted to say cos I kept throwing up like always. Rahim came into the bathroom helping me hold my hair and rubbing my back gently. "Shiii you're good, you'll be fine soon In'sha'Allah. He keep saying that as if I was dying.

"I..i  think I'm done. I said flushing the toilet.

"Are you sure you won't barf again? He asked.

"Yeah I'm sure. I said standing up and feeling so weak.

"Here" he said handing me a toothbrush.

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