Chapter 5 •

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Hannan's POV

life haven't been the same ever since my husband -to-be left me in an agony which i may never ever over come in Dunya again.

Jafar was the only love of my life ever since childhood. We've been together and almost had thesame childhood memories. He was gentle, quiet, handsome and humble. He helped me out so many ways and he's being with me through thick and thin.

During our high school days, I was regularly humiliated by some group of girls who nicknamed me as fat Muslim girl! Arggh! I hate that name so much and I'm not even that fat!!!

I spent most of my time in the bathroom cos that was the only place I felt safe and secured. He was always there for me, he made me feel like a princess.. After he had consoled me about the humiliation, he'll proudly hold me tight and walk past the group of girls who humiliated me. Miranda will snap and stomp her feet angrily.

Jaffar was a humble Muslim who miranda throws herself on him but he didn't give her any chance for him and I were practically engaged and spouse to be. She happens to be the leader of the girls who called me names because she was jealous that Jafar only loves me and me alone.

On the day of my last exam in high school, I woke up as early as possible.. Prayed fajr and went straight into mamma and baba's room to greet them and receive their blessings so I could succeed in my exams. I hurried to their room and knocked slightly on the door cos I don't want to wake them if they aren't awake.  'Come in.. The door isn't locked.

I went in, knelt down and greeted my parents, they made dua for me and blessings. I stood up making my way to the door as mamma asked me to stop and come back. Ohh Lord! I have to get ready for school quickly . I went and sat on the floor , baba began talking by asking about Jafar .

He's fine I said.. Well you'll get married to him after your high school graduation. "Wha-wha-what?! No way! I mean.. Jafar and I had planned our future and getting married after we finished our uni. 
"What stupid plan is that? Said baba angrily, but.. "But I have right to decide whether I want to do in my life right? I said.
"No! Don't be stubborn and listen to your father, we have always wanted the best for you, we don't want you to go astray! Marriage is the fundamental of everything. And you're no longer a baby. "Okay mama..

I said with a cracking voice as I stood up and went to my room. I sat in my bed, thinking about the whole thing my parents have told me. But they don't know Jafar and I ain't in a good term tho.. How can we get married when the love we shared is gone!ohh Allah help me. I took my phone and began dialling Jafar's number surprisedly he picked up.

"Salam ..? Is this Jafar on the line ? "Yes hi Hannan..  How are you? "Im good Alhamdulillah.. He didn't even reply my Salam back! Ya Rabbi things have gone really bad. Jafar .. "I was wondering if we can meet and talk ? 

:"Okay, when?

"After school today, will you be free?

"Yes sure.. Bye.

He hanged up the call. Wow Jafar have changed a lot ! I murmured to myself and stood up and took my bath. Now that I'm meeting him today, I will wear something more fashionable and modest.

I took a plain blue skirt, black top and blue and black leopard print hijab . I wore my clothes, put on make up and pinned my hijab. I set off to the door of the sitting room and heard mamma calling me back for breakfast .. No ma I'm not hungry, I've lost my appetite this morning and walked lazily to the street with Jafar thoughts on my mind. What if he hates me more than anything? No no ! I quickly got rid of the bad thoughts and ran into hanifa, my best friend since childhood.

"Salam hannan! She said crossing the street.

"Walaykumsalam hanny. I said lazily.

"Sup girl? You look so dull this morning! Is it the exam Or the winter?

"none of the above. I'm just moody.

"What happened? She said with that what's going on look on her face..

"I shrugged and she looked at me again observing my face.

"Hey girl, talk to me.. Are you tryna keep secret from me ?! I don't wanna believe that cos you wouldn't even dare! We have never keep anything from each other before.

"Hanny.. It's about Jafar. I said twisting my lips and making a cry baby face.

"What about him? She staring me straight in the eyes.

"We broke up! He's been acting funny lately. I dunno what to do anymore. I'm literally confused and my parents wants us to get married after high school.

"Are you serious ?! But girl, what happened between you two? I mean you've always wanted to be together forever.

"Hanny I don't know what really happened. He now follows some bad boys gang and tryna open my hijab in public.

"Wha-what!? Is he crazy or something? How dare he!!! Hanifa shouted angrily.

"Calm down at least he didn't. I said grinning.

"Now what are you going to do? You wanna tell your parents the truth?

''No.. No! At least not yet. I called him and asked him if he's free after school today so we can hang out. Then, I shall tell him everything and try to know what's up with him.

''Ohh brilliant! Until then we will know what to do. She said feeling relieved and confused as we walked into the hallway in the school.

The bell went off and we ran into our classes and settled down for the last exam.

This chap is mainly about Hannan's past life. It's getting too long and I'm out of ideas for now and won't have none unless I go stay in a long ass shower. Lol.. I really hope you like this chap.

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Asalamalaiykum ❤️

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