What could I do?


"Well, what Willow's going to do, is enchant the training room for a while. Basically what the room will do is give anyone without a slayer's powers, the powers of a slayer."

They can do that? I've done a fair bit of research on magic and stuff, and I've never heard of that happening.


She nods at me with a smile.

"Yup, and we're hoping you'll be our trainer for the exercise."

My sister wants me to be a trainer at her dojo?

"Me? Why?"

"Actually, it was Faith's idea."

Faith gave Buffy this idea? Why did she do that?

"She had the idea that we should put them up against a non-slayer to test their skills. And she figured the best person for the job was you."

Buffy reaches over and puts a hand on mine.

"Dawn, in the final battle of Sunnydale, you were right in the thick of it. You went up against those Uber-Vamps with nothing more than a sword and a lot of heart. There were slayers that didn't make it through that battle, but you did. Faith kinda made the case for you and I have to agree, the truth is that you'd make a great slayer if you had the strength and speed. But you don't need it, you're just perfect the way you are."

It means a lot to me that she'd say that.

"So we're hoping that you'd help us out and give the class a lesson in humility."

For a few seconds, I look at my sister.

"Umm, I guess I could."

"You don't have to. If you don't want to, we can find someone else."

"I know."

"I don't want to pressure you into anything. If you want to take some time and think about it, I'd be okay with that."

She's being protective of me, it's funny.

"Buffy, it's not like this is a life changing decision. It could be a lot of fun to have slayer powers for a while."

Her face becomes one of slightly confused pride.

"All right... if you're sure."

Turning my palm up to hers, I squeeze it gently.

"I am."

"All, all right... I'll tell Faith tomorrow when I see her."

The only thing I can do to that is smile.

"Okay, well, do you have any homework?"

I look down at the books in my hand.

Right, homework...

"Uh, a little..."

"You should probably go do that. I'm gonna do a little cleaning before I start dinner."


With that, I stand up from the couch and head for my room. Buffy stays where she is on the couch while I leave. As soon as the door closes, I pretty much throw my books on my desk and let my bag fall off my back. Hitting the foot of the bed, I jump face first onto it with a huge smile on my face.

Faith wants me to face off against the slayers. She thinks I'm that good. Something about knowing that makes me want to jump up and down and scream. Of course, I can't do that because then my sister will come in and ask all kinds of questions I don't feel like answering just yet.

Just a Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now