Chapter 12.

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I ran to keep up with the car even though I eventually lost sight of it.

So when I got to my house I was completely out of breath and regretting not taking a jog every now and then.

I was about to walk inside, disappointed that I had lost the car when I noticed that it was actually standing on our driveway.

There was someone sitting inside, so when the car door opened, I jumped into some nearby bushes to hide.

Not my smartest idea.

Not realising soon enough that they were rose bushes, I held in a cry of pain as I watched Max's mom, Clarissa, get out of the car that Max had taken me to Charly's for the first time in.

Just like my dad the night before, she glanced around suspiciously before walking up the steps to my house and knocking on the door.

Not even 3 seconds later, the door opened and my dad ushered her in quickly before glancing around if anyone was watching and shutting the door again.

Fortunately, neither of them had seen me.

Unfortunately, the reason they didn't see me was because I hid in some rose bushes.

Slowly, I crawled back out, trying to keep myself from getting any more cuts and scratches from the thorns then I already had. I didn't do a good job though because I still ended up with several more cuts, some even bleeding a little.

"Ow ow ow," I muttered as I drew my leg out of the bush before I was finally standing in the clear again.

I hissed in pain as I pulled a thorn that broke off out of my arm.

"Stupid rose bush," I complained. "Could have at least had some roses on you so that I'd know what kind of plant you are."

I was about to walk up the steps when I remembered that just a couple minutes before, Clarissa walked inside. And If I wanted to find out anything about what they were doing, I couldn't let them know I was here.

I started to sneak around the side of the house and peered through the windows to see where they were but they weren't in the kitchen, the living room or the hall.

Either they were in my dad's office or the bedroom.

And I was really hoping that it wasn't the latter.

Since the front door would be too loud, I tried to open the living room window. But it was locked. So was the kitchen window.

As I walked around the back of the house, my gaze drifted up to the second story where my window was wide open, the curtains flapping in the soft breeze.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered.

There was no way I would be able to get up there without breaking any bones in the process.

I kept on walking to the other side of the house, while hoping that nobody watching me thought I was a burglar trying to break in.

My last chance was the tiny bathroom window.

And of course, it was open.

Yeah. Fuck you too, world.

I sighed quietly before making sure the window wouldn't close while I was climbing in and pulled myself onto the ledge.

Unfortunately, even though the window was on the first floor, it was so high that I couldn't put one of my legs in. I had to go through it head first.

Grunting and cursing under my breath, I squeezed through the window.

However, I noticed that I hadn't thought my plan through when I crashed onto the bathroom floor, my hands barely being able to catch my head from cracking open on the tile.

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