"Occupy Midian" by GradyRichards

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An Article by GradyRichards

1990 spawned a cult classic in the horror film Nightbreed.  From the mind of Clive Barker, one of the horror community's top providers, both on screen and in print, Nightbreed had the potential to overturn the convention in modern horror.  Although it fell short with most critics, Nightbreed has been a ripping success with horror enthusiasts, spawning all sorts of cultural influence in literature, films, and music.

And how could it not?  With its profound social messages, overturning the good guy/ bad guy relationship... and let's not forget the hidden city of Midian, where the monsters live, outcasted from society.  Nightbreed has all the fixings of a great horror flick.  And it is a great horror flick, in this writer's humble opinion.  But due to critical reception and the financial failure of the film, distributors haven't released the DVD with much enthusiasm, and there has never been a release of the film's extended cut featuring an additional thirty minutes of horror.

I was recently prompted by MarkMathews, a fellow horror fan and writer, to check out a petition undergoing circulation on the internet.  The petition (and the cause itself) is being refered to as Occupy Midian, and it's a movement to persuade the powers that be to release the extended cut on DVD for the masses.  The cause has moved onto facebook and twitter, and is slowly gaining attention, as worthwhile internet campaigns are wont to do.  I will provide links in the comments section below, courtesy of MarkMathews.  Thanks, Mark, for bringing this to the attention of Dark Dimensions and thus our fanbase.

So whether you're a die-hard fan of Barker's fantastic cult classic horror film or you've never heard of it, check the links below to occupy Midian and get this extended cut on the shelves.  The film is well worth your while.

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