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25th April 2009

As both joe and Caspar got older there relationship developed. From young teens who craved sex to young adults now raising a beautiful 3 year old girl, but when they had they chance do it, they did it right.

Milla had gone to Zoe's house which left both joe and Caspar at home, alone. No snot nosed kid breaking in and see something they shouldn't have. It was just them, and god was it right.

Joe walked upstairs all dressed up in his nicest outfit, a shirt and dress pants. He slid himself next to Caspar on the couch.

"Joe, were not going out, are we?" Caspar said looking up and down joe.
Joe shook his head and began to lean back on the couch. "No caspy, but I hope I please your appetite"

Joe had never seen Caspar mouth drop as fast as it had done. Much like a dog Caspar pounced on top of  joe and ripped off his shirt. He was kissing joe like there was no tomorrow, kissing him down his neck until he had reached his shirt where he ripped off all the buttons.

He reached down to joes pants and- well, that's not really for me to say what happened next but to them, it was the best god damn sex they had ever had.  

26th April 2009

At 9:37 exactly there was a loud thud at the door. Last night Caspar and joe had just about had sex in every room in there house. Caspar got up, he was laying in the bath tub spooning joe, how they ended up here, he didn't know.

He grabbed the nearest robe and placed it on him self.

"Joe, babe. Wake up" he said while shaking joe.

Joe rubbed his eyes and began to look around "how did we get-"

"No idea" Caspar said with a laugh.
Caspar unlocked the door and felt the hug of someone on there leg. "Caspy!" Milla cried

"Hi baby" he said picking her up. "Thank you so much zoe, it means the world"

"No problem, looks like you two had fun last night" she said looking joe in the eye and pointing to her neck, he quickly covered it up and turned a bright red colour. M

"Yep" he said with a nervous laugh.

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