Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

Zuri, Ravi and I had just gotten out of the limo. I whispered to zuri, "yay no cell phones for the whole of summer". She just giggled. As we walk in I see a very old person thats probably the owner. I say hello and she says it back. She tells us to go to the little desk and speak with her neice. As I'm walking up I see her glare at me and look me up and down. As soon as we get to the desk she scoffs,"Eh, the rosses". I didn't know what to say so i just stood there and waited. She said that Zuri and i will be in Woodchuck cabin while Ravi was in Grizzly's cabin.

We got to the cabin and as i was opening the door i was pulled into a hug by who only i can guess would be the camp counciller. As she releases me and introduces herself as Lou i can feel my insides go back into place. I also meet Tiffany who was surrounded by books. I didn't want to get into why she had so many books so i just let it go.

After i got my bunk ready Lou and i chatted for about an hour. Once she yawned she said it was time for the campfire. We chatted the whole way out of the cabin until i saw a guy. This guy was so handsome and cute. I think he saw me so i just looked away sweetily. He started walking over to me and we started talking. When gladys came out everyone started sitting on the logs around the fire. I found out that the cute guys name is Xander. We sat together on the logs and everyone started chanting. Ravi yelled ," Okay this is a cult, TAXI!". It wasn't. When the campfire was done we went back to our bunks. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. So i left the cabin quietly and sat by the fire.

I started crying because i had just gotten a text earlier saying that my ex caleb was coming to the camp. He was an abusive boyfriend. Apparently i wasn't quiet enough because someone came out and started rubbing circles on my back. I looked up to see it was xander. I smiled weakly before bawling into his chest. He waited until i stopped crying to ask me what was wrong. i told him then immediately started crying again. He said he would keep me safe. I just smiled. We stayed like that until i fell asleep. Once i did he silently carried me back to my bed and tucked me in.


This is my first story on here and i woud like any reviews you can. Happy reading. :)

Bunk'd - A xemma storyWhere stories live. Discover now